Update Log 22/11/2021


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Update Log 22/11/2021

Another amazing update brought to you by @TinySlayer @Dank and @Samuel

Many of these changes and bug fixes are already live. Those that aren't will be live tomorrow morning.

  • Added unexpected expense events for when there is a mayor
    • At random times depending on the city budget, an amount of money will be taken from the city to cover made-up things such as repairs to roads
    • Everyone will be notified when this happens via a city broadcast
  • Made it so the city no longer pays for the paycheck increase premium users get
  • Various permission related changes
  • Changed it so that only income tax is self-corrected when there is no mayor
    • It will change depending on the city budget
  • Improved the radio hud so it works better for dispatch
  • Moved laws to https://paralake.city/laws
  • Blocked props from opening trigger doors
  • Supervisor vehicles can now be spawned as TFU
  • Added copying registration clipboard to speed cameras
  • PLPD Captains can now access the HK45 CT
  • Added confirmation when closing reports
  • Various balancing changes for the city budget

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed issue resulting in you not being able to buy things from the roadcrew store
  • Fixed issue with 911 call text for medics and firefighters
  • Fixed issue resulting in the wrong tax being taken from paychecks
  • Fixed issue making it possible to access trunks while dead
  • Fixed issue that made you restore hunger when revived
  • Fixed name of metal detectors
  • Fixed issue with vehicle ornaments that resulted in you not being able to customize your vehicle
  • Fixed exploit that made it possible to get more Christmas trees than intended
  • Fixed rare issue of getting barricade error when going on-duty
  • Fixed floating street lights
  • Reordered market stalls so that they match the pictures
  • Fixed distance checks for TV's and vehicles
  • Fixed hicktown toilet teleporting issue
  • Fixed city hall seat heights

Thanks to everyone reporting the above bugs, and thanks to those who have posted suggestions!
can you fix the incredibly high-income tax cap that like 99 percent of the mayors use
as a patrol officer i make like 3-10k an hour now and its ridiculous
75 percent basically makes up volunteer's and only affects government jobs as no citizens rely on income payments from benefits

Update Log 24/11/2021

Tomorrow morning a minor update will go live. Normally I would not make a post about this, but as I think it may cause some confusion I've decided to.

  • Jobs and their slots have been removed from the scoreboard, and can instead be found in the City Info phone app
  • Non-government employees can no longer see the number of employees for the following jobs
    • Police
    • Police Dispatch
    • Secret Service

On top of the above, we released some bug fixes related to the city finance system. And in the coming days, we will start tracking exactly where the city funds go, so we can display that in a nice chart for the mayor.

Enjoy! :)

Update Log 24/11/2021

Tomorrow morning a minor update will go live. Normally I would not make a post about this, but as I think it may cause some confusion I've decided to.

  • Jobs and their slots have been removed from the scoreboard, and can instead be found in the City Info phone app
  • Non-government employees can no longer see the number of employees for the following jobs
    • Police
    • Police Dispatch
    • Secret Service

On top of the above, we released some bug fixes related to the city finance system. And in the coming days, we will start tracking exactly where the city funds go, so we can display that in a nice chart for the mayor.

Enjoy! :)
But crims get tinycalc

Update Log 24/11/2021

Tomorrow morning a minor update will go live. Normally I would not make a post about this, but as I think it may cause some confusion I've decided to.

  • Jobs and their slots have been removed from the scoreboard, and can instead be found in the City Info phone app
  • Non-government employees can no longer see the number of employees for the following jobs
    • Police
    • Police Dispatch
    • Secret Service

On top of the above, we released some bug fixes related to the city finance system. And in the coming days, we will start tracking exactly where the city funds go, so we can display that in a nice chart for the mayor.

Enjoy! :)
This is not daijobu. cities irl BOAST about their cops, why hide it?
This is not daijobu. cities irl BOAST about their cops, why hide it?
Unlike real cities, paralake's active officers drops to zero. This is not something a city would boast about, or even tell you about. If a city tells you it has no officers in service, there'd be anarchy.