Update Log - 31/08/2018

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Update Log - 31/08/2018

Another small update went live this morning, with the aim of improving a few areas of the game-play, as well as some bug fixes.
  • Added more Suduko levels
  • Added more staff logs
  • TFU slots now scale based on the number of Officers on duty
  • Due to over pollution of fishing areas, fishing rods now can hook other items as including some rarer and more valuable items
  • All Officers can view the properties of a warranted suspect
  • Added bandages to the default police gear
  • The nightstick can now push people
  • Cuffed players can now sit down
  • Added Roadcrew voice radio
  • Exposure to fire now properly removes the DNA from corpses
  • Fixed explosions not reducing the time a player can be revived for
  • Fixed bug where players would appear crouching while standing up
  • Fixed a couple of exploits
@Fredy also pushed a small hot-fix update a few days ago:
  • Fixed fist animation not always displaying correctly
  • Fixed receiving phone calls while on TeamSpeak
  • Fixed error when phone bindings weren't set
  • Fixed repair skill
  • Fixed Organisation controls
  • Fixed Meth
All of the changes and most of the bugs were suggest or reported by members of the community. Please do continue to make suggestions for things that you would like to improve!

Thanks to the following people for their suggestions and bug reports: (Sorry if I've missed anyone)
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thank you very much data man

Edit: I'm guessing you shove people with the nightstick via right click? Also is this in the live server now or do we have to wait till tomorrow's restart
thank you very much data man

Edit: I'm guessing you shove people with the nightstick via right click? Also is this in the live server now or do we have to wait till tomorrow's restart
it is life, someone posted the items on the fishing rod in shoutbox before
thank you very much data man

Edit: I'm guessing you shove people with the nightstick via right click? Also is this in the live server now or do we have to wait till tomorrow's restart
Yup, should be, that's the way I suggested it work.
Great update, but I do not like the fishing, I preferred the scuba diving alternative. Makes it seem OP to get money through fish + possibility of finding guns.

I just think it would've been more realistic, put the swimming skill to use and I for one don't want to get any fish.
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When is the removal of marksmanships coming? :)

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