Updating my account on the forums

Reaction score
How would one get a different rank on the forums? such as "Expert Member" or "Senior Member" ?

On another topic, is anyone going to update the forum Newspaper? :D
I'm pretty sure it's the more posts you have it changes.
You get new ranks by just posting, you know?
I think I got my rank when I got 80 posts.

Also I dont think anyone actually reades the forum Newspaper because it never updates. Would be great to have it added though.
I recommend suggesting this in the suggestion forum.
Thanks for the help everyone!! I posted a lot on the old forums, looks like I'm gonna have to get back in the action :D
RobertLavalamp said:
Thanks for the help everyone!! I posted a lot on the old forums, looks like I'm gonna have to get back in the action :D
Glad to help with my mustache.
John Daymon;n19264 said:
When Tanges is on it changes (AFAIK)
Sgt.James;n19372 said:
As far as i know you get a new rank by you being active on the forums. (Posting does not really matter)

Both wrong. Your forum rank depends only on your post count. It might take some time for you to get the rank after you reach that post count though, but it shouldn't take long.

And for the newspaper, Chad announced that he would continue doing the newspaper but he needs to change it's theme to Paralake since we changed the map. No ETA yet.