Used cars

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Description of the idea:
The ability to buy “used” cars.

Used cars will be cheaper than new cars, or at least cheaper than buying a new car and modifying it to look like an old car.

Used cars will be randomly generated upon every server restart. The typical used car will be anything as low as a beetle all the way up to the expensive BMW’s.

The benefits of getting a used car will be:
- it’ll be cheaper than a new car
- If it’s upgraded then it will be cheaper than getting a car new then upgrading it

At the downside of:
- No free paintjob
- Could be damaged from dirty paint all the way up to Tier 2’d upon purchase.
- Would come in a randomly generated Colour which you might not like.

The idea here would be to allow newer players to purchase a used car cheaper than a new one.

The idea on how the used cars will be generated will be:
- 4 used cars will appear in the “used car” menu after every server restart.
- The lower the base cost of the car, the more likely it will be to have an expensive paint job, upgrades, or a body kit.
- Cars with upgrades and body kits will be more expensive than the base car obviously, but still would be cheaper than getting the same car brand new and modifying it to be like the used car.
- The higher the price of the car, the more likely it is to be “pre damaged”.
- Once a used car is purchased, it is gone.
- Pre upgraded used cars cannot be downgraded to get extra cash.

An alternative idea could be that player sold cars could be resold by the car dealer. This could be made better by making it so you also get some money back from body kits, paint and upgrades upon selling.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Newer players can score a unique vehicle for a decent price
- Realistic
- Somewhat balanced

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- could be hard to implement?​
I like the idea but auctioning might not work with cars, you’d typically just have 1 person Auctioning for it.
How? You wouldn’t make money back selling your used car? All the used cars are randomly generated so there’s less freedom of decision, they’re limited, etc.

How in the slightest would this break the economy? Explain.
People would never buy new cars anymore. They would just wait for the car they want to get on sale. Thesedays people are also not buying a car when the tax is at 25%. I think it's unfair to people who spend hours grinding for new cars.
@Alliat Lmfao sure, people are gunna wait what could be months to buy a car if they're in the market for a 90k-800k shitwagon.
Instead of randomly generating used cars, I'd rather suggest that any car owner should have the ability to put their car up for sale in car dealer (and maybe have it on display in the building) and people can buy these cars.

My idea; let's say, "John" is interested in selling his Volvo S60 to the Car Dealer and buying a new and better car. However, the Car Dealer NPC would only give John half of the original price. John is not happy about that. So he goes to the Car Dealer NPC and tells him that he'd like to put his car up for sale to the public. A new tab opens for him via which he chooses his vehicle (Volvo S60) and sets the price at 450,000 $ (excluding taxes). John knows that people would only buy his car if the price was under the original (unless it is customized). John closes the tab and his car is up for sale.

It could take hours, days or even weeks until he finds a new owner for his Volvo S60, but John is lucky. Thomas is interested in a Volvo S60 but not ready to pay the full price, so he decides to buy John's Volvo S60 which is up for sale. Thomas goes to the Car Dealer NPC and opens "Used cars", where he buys John's Volvo S60. On this tab, all important information about the car is seen; e.g. whether or not it has been upgraded and if how many times as well as the number of seats etc. John receives a notification on his phone that his car has been sold and immediately receives the 450,000 $.

What is important (and hopefully self-explanatory); the cars would be put up for sale as they are. That means the colour, the upgrades and other manipulations stay, yet can be removed afterwards (with him having to pay the price ofc).

While at it; people should also have the ability to privately sell cars to each other (e.g. gifts).
I was told we had the ability to sell cars to other players here at one point but it was abused.

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