Server Suggestion Vault Rival Breach | High org level perk

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Suggestion Title: Vault Rival Breach | High org level perk
Suggestion Description: Essentially when two orgs are at a rivalry status, they are declaring war. This comes with a mediocre level of conflict as usually most just do it for XP benefit. This change aims to turn up the heat and make things exciting.

To qualify for a Vault Breach on a crew:
- 50% or more of the crew members must be part of a rivaling org AND OR the leader of the crew is a part of that rivaling org.
- Organization planning to counter the heist must be of a high org level to unlock the PERK
- The fee mentioned later must be paid for further info by the DD
- May only bring HALF or less of the current number of bank robbers, to keep things as fair as possible for the bank robbers.

This operation will have three phases. Preparation, attack and getaway:


During the preparation phase when the DD sends the code to the bank robber who purchased the contract for XQ bank, The DD will also check for the qualifications above. The Rivaling org, if qualified, will all be prompted to meet with the DD ASAP if they wish to get involved. The counter-attackers will meet with the DD, one will have to talk to him and pay $2,500 / $5,000 in cash for further proceeding of this operation. A code will be given to the counter-attackers, then, they will be invited just like normal. They will be instructed to STAY OUTSIDE THE BANK ROBBERY AREA until the vault is open.

Counter-attackers will be forced to not camp the inside of the bank area as that would be counter-intuitive. If counter-attackers linger inside the bank area after the drill is picked up before the vault is opened; they will be given a 10 second warning to immediately exit or the DD will kick them out of the crew.


The attack phase begins when the vault is opened, Upon the text by the DD to the bank robbers that the bank is open; then the Counter-attackers are also informed as well to which they are thereof allowed to begin their attack. The counter attacks will be able to go in the vault to steal the vault loot for themselves to exfiltrate with it.


Getaway phase begins for the Counter-attackers once they leave the bank robbery area and they are then warranted for 11.11 as well. They must hide and wait for the drop off to proceed with the cleaning process of the dirty money similar to the bank robbers' process.

Why should this be added?:
- Adds danger level to rivalry
- Adds another layer of conflict to rivalries
- Makes org members more tribal as they would likely be removed from a crew if they bring a possibility for a counter-attack. This brews more conflict.
- Another perk to aspire to reach
- With the new nerfs to zergs, this adds a mechanic that gives high level orgs something to be feared for still in terms of bank robberies.

What negatives could this have?:
- Cops being overwhelmed by possibly 12 combatants? however this already can happen with 8 bank robbers fighting the bare minimum 3 cop count.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Essentially when two orgs are at a rivalry status, they are declaring war. This comes with a mediocre level of conflict as usually most just do it for XP benefit. This change aims to turn up the heat and make things exciting.
While i think its a good idea, would that whole idea not be in breach of the rule with cops where u cannot counter unless its your property
Generally speaking in a raid, you don't get involved if the cops are involved before you in a counter raid on a traditional property / home. In this situation, you are already involved because you are signed up as a part of a crew by the DD to execute a counter-attack on a Bank heist of XQ bank. Furthermore, you're not allowed to interfere as Counter-attackers before the vault is open. By the time Counter-attackers would be allowed to interfere, the forces of Bank robbers and Cops would already be weakened due to their clash giving optimal opportunity to attack.
I like the idea, and very much welcome the added conflict for rivalries. But this would turn the city into a gigantic war zone it is bad enough that the entire PD gets wiped out by the bank robberies but with this it will just become a bloodbath when different groups of ''civilians'' fight in a huge three-way shootout.

If V6 places the bank at the very outskirt of town away from everything I wouldn't mind as much. But as it is now bank robberies are already hampering the server experience in my opinion.
I like the idea, and very much welcome the added conflict for rivalries. But this would turn the city into a gigantic war zone it is bad enough that the entire PD gets wiped out by the bank robberies but with this it will just become a bloodbath when different groups of ''civilians'' fight in a huge three-way shootout.
The nature of a bank robbery is to turn the city into a gigantic war zone and that is a constant variable. This will continue to happen whether this suggestion is implemented or not, Furthermore PD will continue to be wiped even in normal raids if they are outmatched or out-skilled. I don't see how these points are applicable to the actual suggestion idea, they seem to be complains about the very existence of the bank robbery heist in of itself.
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PERP should actively distance itself from FiveM rather than become it. There’s no conceivable logic behind this activity and would just be an extensive city wide shootout, cutting down the time bank robberies take is paramount for the natural flow of the gamemode, not extensively stretching them out. Something like this also takes an enormous amount of planning ahead, few gangs would genuinely like the idea of having to get countered during a bank robbery by civilians.

Gangs can already counter each others activity in more logical and less obstructive manners. Adding this would make absolutely no sense.
Gotta be one of the dumbest ideas. Why would a criminal organization put themselves into this kind of danger logically? You'd have to wait for cops to die, be able to confirm 100% every cops dead and there isnt a tfu sniper hiding in god knows where and hope the people raiding the bank didnt instantly grab the cash like every bank raid ever. Not only that but you have to do this with less people than is raiding the bank putting yourself at a numbers disadvantage, while yes its likely people died during the process up to this point I just dont see how any of this makes a good idea.
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