Veteran forum badge

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Description of the idea: A veteran badge on the forums for those who have been here long enough to earn it.

Why should this be added? (pros): As mentioned in the community meeting people apparently value working towards something (senior mod). It would be a very nice have those who have been with the community for a long time acknowledged a bit.

What negatives could this have? (cons): People may get an ego

*Other additions: Make it for 3 4 5 years whatever you like. Make it as an addition to elite or expert member

*Images: No
Just sounds like a kinda ego trip thing, just apply for helper or something I mean I've almost got 4 years and I wouldn't really call myself a veteran at all
Agreed, I've suggested something similar to this quite a while back and expectedly received similar backlash, but I for one believe that it would be a great thing to add, to commend those who have been with the community for such a long time. It would not only add depth to the system but could also serve as an incentive to new and older players alike to stay an active part of the community.
BTW: add a poll to the thread.

+ Support
I really don’t think being an old player should at all constitute to some sort of award. It’d just give perp boomers a higher sense of unnecessary validation. Really not at all what we need.

If old players want to earn some sort of award they should actually put effort into it. Just being round a few years before anyone else means fucking nothing.

All I see here is a participation trophy tbh. Like what you’d get on sports day in fucking primary school.
Just give some kind of trophy points at certain amount of years like the 6 months / 1 year trophy.

More trophies will be added, and "badges" like Elite Member will be edited.
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