Vote Tim Meijer

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Hello All,

My name is Tim Meijer and I want to join the City Council, how? with your help of course!

First of all I want to tell you some thing about my self. What you properly already know is that my name is Tim Meijer and I stole a quote from @Thomas Fredrick (I know its not nice but sorry oke :(). I am trying to take by bad history to a end and I will do my best in all jobs that I can possible get. In my free time I am playing soccer also I am a referee on the sport field.

To make the city better than it is now I will do this if I get elected:

  1. Make it sure that the dispatcher will earn the right money that they deserve.
  2. Kicking crime out the city!
  3. improving the fire station and the lobby from the PD with better interior
  4. banning Slander out the city
  5. Banning discrimination out of the city!
  6. make it possible for older people to vote with elections!

I will make Paralake Great again, Vote for Tim Meijer!or TinySlayer