VR Kit

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There is multiple threads here on the forums regarding VR headsets. And I'm looking into buying one, as I recently tried my friend's Oculus Rift 2.

But I got a question to anyone who got knowledge about Oculus. Oculus Rift 2 is out of stock and they don't sell them anymore. Now they have Oculus Quest instead, stating that you do not need a computer to play, and you can pick different kits with different amounts of storage inside them.

But I am not looking for a VR headset with storage and to play with without a PC. I want to play VR games on steam. Most steam games support Valve Index and Oculus Rift, but I can barely find any games that support Oculus Quest.


So if I buy Oculus Quest, can I play games that support Oculus Rift? And that storage play a part of preformance even though I play a PC game?
Oculus quest 2, you can connect it to your PC and play all games just like any other headset.
So games on Steam that states that they support Oculus Rift, like this:
View attachment 14135

Also support Oculus Quest?
Yes. You just need a USB-C Link certified cable to play on PC. The Quest 2 is essentially the mobile version of the Rift S but a bit improved, same controller layout and everything. It works without issue.
You just need a USB-C Link certified cable to play on PC.

Alright, do you know if everything is uncluded, so It's just plug and play, or is there any other components or cables like the USB-C Link that I need to buy?
Alright, do you know if everything is uncluded, so It's just plug and play, or is there any other components or cables like the USB-C Link that I need to buy?
Considering it's an Oculus device, I'd assume It's gonna need the Oculus app to run, which is the only dependency besides the cabling.
My Oculus Rift S has been 90% plug and play, and 10% troubleshooting/installation. Just make sure you plug your USB into a port with enough power to support the cable. I accidentally plugged it into one of my lower power USB ports and my headset just errored out completely, refused to even turn on or recognize as plugged in.
Alright, do you know if everything is uncluded, so It's just plug and play, or is there any other components or cables like the USB-C Link that I need to buy?
There is only a charging cable that's included, you will have to buy the Link cable.

You can buy the official one which is ridiculously expensive on the Oculus store for 100 Euros or some shit. You can use any other third-party cable and Anker has been reportedly having no issues with Quest 2 but you need to make sure its a highspeed cable capable of at least 5Gbps (10Gbps should have no issues). There is a spreadsheet here with all cables listed as compatible https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZamZ1z356On28UcNl0vQdzWvgbmFSyb7spFpxi187ag/edit#gid=0

If your motherboard is fairly modern it should have a USB-C port on the back which is what you should use.
I got the quest and I'm happy with it. I play most games from the store but when I play through steam I use a high-speed USB C cable, it's kinda annoying with cables but wireless works best for me lol
I have Oculus Quest 2 and they've released a new feature Airlink (like a year ago) which is working flawless if you are close to your router with your Quest 2 or if the connection is solid. So no need for USB-C cables to be connected to PC.

VR is like Playstation 1 in 1995. It's fine for the present time but it requires lots of improvements and it's OS is not the best but the only OS available in the market. Using a default Android OS migrated for VR.

Biggest problem for VR headsets is currently battery issues which you will run out of batter in less than 2 hours if you don't have any powerbank attached to your headset.

As I've said, requires lots of improvements and I really suggest you to NOT purchase yet since the 'big' companies didn't join the VR party yet but they are working on it.

As the 'big' companies start releasing full games for VR, competition will begin between VR manufacturers which the competition will be on favour of the consumers as always.
I use a high-speed USB C cable, it's kinda annoying with cables but wireless works best for me lol
run out of batter in less than 2 hours if you don't have any powerbank attached to your headset

As long as I got the USB cable plugged into the PC then it will take power from the PC? Im totally fine with if it's like just one cable.

I just don't want to have to buy loads of extra cables and adapters to play. I don't carte about storage or anything like that, I only want to play games from my PC
As long as I got the USB cable plugged into the PC then it will take power from the PC? Im totally fine with if it's like just one cable.

I just don't want to have to buy loads of extra cables and adapters to play. I don't carte about storage or anything like that, I only want to play games from my PC

I would say it's the best to have this: https://store.facebook.com/quest/accessories/quest-2/elite-strap-battery for the maximum comfort within guaranteed longer playtimes with it's built-in powerbank.

Trust me you will hate the cables as soon as you start independently move around your playzone. This product is the biggest solution so far.

EDIT: Elite straps is also a MUST for longer playtimes since the default straps will most likely start hurting the back of your head after more than 2 hours of gameplay. So the mentioned product covers both "must buy" things in a single, original product for longer playtimes.

zuckerberg didn't pay me for the advertisement but i'll ask him to shoot a few bucks for this. it's the best solution for battery and comfort issues on the market so far.
Alright, so I actually bought the Oculus Quest 2, with the Oculus Link cable.

I was so excited to play, I even bought and downloaded Half-Life Alyx. But now the VR is stuck at 0% downloading necessary updates. I've googled it and there seems to be no fix to this.

Alright, so I actually bought the Oculus Quest 2, with the Oculus Link cable.

I was so excited to play, I even bought and downloaded Half-Life Alyx. But now the VR is stuck at 0% downloading necessary updates. I've googled it and there seems to be no fix to this.


I've had the exact same issue. You should contact Oculus Support. They've literally solved my update issue in like less than 3 hours upon sending a ticket.