Warning Dispute (curak)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: curak
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: AWasteOfTime
Your Roleplay Name: Mary Chance
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:95161896

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.25 - The user harvested his drugs whilst he was getting raided.

Why should this appeal be considered?: So i was just cooking some coke inside of my friend his appartment. Me and my friend were about to leave the server so i was going to finish my last batch. I grabbed my last batch and then i heard someone trying to break in so i immidiantly called the Police to come and help. I already got raided 3 times before this one and everytime i called the police they quickly ran away i so was hoping the same thing would happen. That unfortunatelly did not happen and the still broke in. I was trying to be ready with my shotgun but they killed my trough the door. I left the server pretty quickly because like i said at the beginning me and my friend were about to leave. I never had any plants that were growing and my batch was already finished so i was not harvesting any drugs when they started raiden. I hope this warning can be taken care of. With kind regards, Thomas.
Please upload some sort of evidence. Such as your demo, being the demo file name would be perpheads_demo_2022-5-23 21-54-46.

It seems like by logs you also did pickup some drugs from your chemical table?
I will send the demos soon! And like i said in my report yes i did pick up drugs from my chemical table but that was before the raid started if i remember correctly, but i will take a look in the demos.
Everytime i try to view my demo's and try to forward or just wait it crashes. Everything is an error aswell. Is there a way to fix these things or just view my demo in a different way?

The rule also applies when you are harvesting drugs from your chemical table. After looking through the logs we can see that you called police 30 seconds before you picked up the drugs from your chemical table. the door was successfully broke into 5 seconds before you harvested your drugs of the chemical table
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