Warning Dispute (Maia)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Maia
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: Crunchie
Your Roleplay Name: Jacob Leonard
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:555265400

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User escalated a police investigation into a shootout for no good reason

Why should this appeal be considered?: I had multiple good reasons for me to escalate the investigation into a shootout.
1. I had dragged a dying body into my apartment to later finish it off but cops got there before i could, leading to it bleeding out, this is Manslaughter/Murder. It was only a matter of time until they also checked the dna on that body after seeing me drag it inside.
2. I believed Kronen was going to be arrested for pushing out and killing them instead of calling the cops, which could be considered Manslaughter/Murder due to the fact that Kronen went out of his way to kill the people we were defending against.
3. We were both previously in a large scale shootout in projex due to us raiding multiple properties there and being raided afterwards, which we were unsure whether anyone survived or witnessed from outside. (I'm sure the logs will show this)
With these, Kronen was also already in cuffs which led just me and tinky left to fight if things escalated, which led to me trying to keep my door open so that kronen could run into the apartment and there was a cop who was just spam closing my door, which led to an argument between us where Maia then came to the door and tried to gunpoint me, at this point i had my pistol in my hand at my hip just incase. In reaction to Maia pointing his pistol at me, i shot at both him and the cop behind him, killing the one behind him but somehow not killing Maia. The reasons for me shooting here have already been listed.

Please upload and provide us with the following demo file: 'perpheads_demo_2024-7-23 14-24-07'. If you need any additional help on how to locate and provide a demo feel free to reach out here, otherwise we also have a guide for demos which you can read here: https://help.perpheads.com/page/demos

After reviewing the dispute we concluded that you did escalate the situation prematurely into a shootout. The officers on scene had not given any direct commands or indications that Kronen at this time would be facing arrest. Taking this into consideration, you should have awaited escalating the situation into a shootout until it was certain that Kronen would be arrested. It does not seem like the officers were aware of any recent crimes committed by any of you, and it's uncertain but unlikely that anyone would be facing jailtime at the time the shootout was initiated.

Reviewed with @Snusmus, @Bnjemann & @3izu.