Warning Dispute (Quadruple J)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Quadruple J
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: John Doe
Your Roleplay Name: John Clean
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:20840312

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User picked up a gun in an active shootout. This lead to his death.

Why should this appeal be considered?: So i just joined the server and went to the car garage to get my car.
On the way there i see something has been going on around the bank area, but its quite besides one unconscious guy moaning.
I run past the safety first store and see the unconscious guy, a weapon and an officer with a drawn pistol.
I run to the garage to get my car and in those two minutes there is not a single gun shot nor any indications of an active shootout.
As i drive past the safety first store again, the officer is gone but the weapon is still there on the ground. (I have later been told by Quadruple J that the officer had been killed which to me was a bit suprising since i didn't hear a single gun shot)
I then leave my car to pick up that weapon, thinking the officer forgot to confiscate it.
I was then killed by the guy that apperently just killed the cop.


Additional Information: Video timestamp
0:00 - 0:36 Me minding my own business running to get my car from the garage.
0:37 - 0:47 I hear somebody moaning and it awaken my curiosity.
0:48 - 0:49 I've found the unconscious guy and see a cop is standing next to him with his weapon drawn and there is a weapon next to the unconscious man.
0:48 - 0:52 Since this officer is gunpointing me i immediately crouch, he aint saying anything so i slowly walks backwards.
0:53 - 1:40 Its completly quite besides the unconscious guys is still moaning. There is nobody talking, no gun shots, no indications of an ongoing shootout.
1:41 - 1:54 I got into my car and drive past the safety first store again. The unconscious guy seems to be dead now. I cant see the officer anywhere, but the gun is still there on the floor.
1:55 - 2:08 I leave my car to pick up the weapon as i believe the officer forgot to confiscate it. As i turn around to run to my car again, a random citizen kills me.
Since I am the officer involved in this situation (the one you ignored), the shootout was obviously not over considering you saw me pointing a gun towards an unseen threat. This is a major indicator that there IS in fact a shootout. Not 60 seconds after you see me, you return and because I am no longer in the same position, assume the shootout is over?
This is not how things work.

Moments after you passed Safety First, whilst you were in the garage, I fired a shot through the bank window, into the manager's office. A few moments after that, another one following the first.
A few seconds after this, I am shot in the head by an M82 wielding edgelord from god knows where. (no offense)

Had you paid more attention as you were parking up, you would have noticed the other car also pulling up to the scene. Give it a few seconds, see if the guys are armed and going to the same destination before you assume "free loot"

Also, had you taken the time to look around in the shop on your return, and not tunnel-visioning on the gun, you would have noticed my corpse in the corner of the shop.
Your lack of awareness in this situation is what got you killed.
You spent barely any time to make sure you were actually in the clear before picking up the gun, and you didn't even try to take care of the NPC after having blatantly stolen the gun in front of him.

How exactly was i ignoring you the officer? I litterally instantly got on the ground (crouched) as you're pointing a gun at me.
Since you didn't say anything i decided to slowly move backwards since i could see you were busy with something else.

Regarding the gun shots, if you watch the video i posted then you can see from my pov that i didn't hear any of them.
I didn't hear you shooting twice through the bank and i did not hear M82 shot that killed you.
How am i supposed to react to something that i litterally cannot hear?
How am i supposed to know this is still an ungoing shootout when none of these 3 sounds is possible to hear from my location?
I am a bit suprised about why i weren't able to hear any of those gun shots you mentioned, especially considering the range of the gun shot sound on the server.
I did some testing at the car garage and the only possible explanation besides the sound being bugged somehow, which i really doubt.
Would be due to when you're in the car selection menu, then you cant hear any sounds from your current position.
Its like you're briefly teleported to a place outside the map untill you leave the menu.
I spend a total of 10 seconds in that menu, so could it be you shooting and getting shot all happened within that window?

It is still pretty obvious the situation was ongoing when you first rolled up to it, your first priority should be to escape the area to somewhere that would be more safe in that situation, not come back to it and look for weaponry.
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