Warning request for Félix

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Tut/Tut Jankins
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Félix/Joao Felix
His/Her SteamID:
Reason: 1.1 - Disrespectful towards a man who broke several rules including 3.4 (Joao stated that!) I was paramedic, and I did see the killer and victim etc, however, I did not have proof of them, only Joao breaking 1.1.
Evidence: http://i.imgur.com/RDOlumQ.jpg

Got my Resolution on 1366 x 768, so I hope you can see the text properly.
I was the officer that "broke" 3.24, I feel Felix didn't need to act in this manner. I told him to make a ban request if he was so unhappy about it, but he kept on being rude. I don't feel this was needed at all, it only causes more problems, doesn't resolve anything and finally it ruins the RP experience for everyone.
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Are you actually serious? How petty can people get?
For starters, a warning request? Most warnings are barely worth anything and are just that, a warning, not really a punishment as such.

But then, for breaking 1.1? You've got a lot coming to you if you can't handle some guy calling you an asshole in a bloody game! Petty punishment requests make me so unbelievably mad, speaking from my own experience the people who dish out the most ban requests or whatever are usually the most disliked. Not because they've reported rule breakers but because most of their posts are complete and utter petty crap. You wont make any friends with the staff team if you increase their already heavy workload with rubbish like this, my advice to you is next time just tell him to get lost! If you cant handle people telling you that you're an asshole then god forbid you come on teamspeak.
This is quite sad, no need for a warning request (wtf?) just because someone said "idiot" and "asshole" in [LOOC].
Just say 1.1 mate and respond with something of that matter. It will teach em a lesson
This is how i would react:
Félix: [LOOC] this idiot is just failing
[PH] JarredInator [ST]: [LOOC] you're the same idiot because you can't follow the rules either.
[PH] JarredInator [ST]: [LOOC] rekt son

Then i will leave the chat to be, but trust me, the feggot got his lesson.

Honenstly there is no point at all in this warning request.
Ah ah ah, this guys are soo mad xD I called swiper on them and gived him my demo to warn them multiple times ah ah ah
As much i heard the whole story,this person needs to be warned about this case.


And i want to say that.. **Alex's Signature goes here**

This is absolutely stupid, you want someone to get a warning for something like this?
Do you really think that this is valid, he called you an idio,t he didn't break any severe rules and barely broke 1.1.

The warning system is to sanction people and give them infractions for breaking rules so the staff team can keep a track of what they have done wrong. He has done nothing wrong in my eyes, and as Chrissy said this is so petty.

It's not bullying, it's one way banter.
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