Warrant Voting

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Warrant voting

It happens allot, that there is no Lieutenant, but you have to warrant someone.
What if, the officers are able to vote for warranting someone.
Like, they can use the chat to /warrantvote (or a tool..).
They enter the name, and there is a small vote popup, like the mayor bid popup but in the left of the screen.
In the popup, there'll be the man that you want to be warranted and why.
They can click yes / no.
If 65% is Yes, the man gets warranted.

I know this system might be a little buggy, that's why I want that admins get a popup every time someone uses the Warrant Vote so stop abuse.
Also, there can be a little delay in Warrant Voting and a check if there is no Double Warrant vote placed. (keywords check)

This might fix the problem of not being able to warrant if there is no Lieutenant.

(I know this might not be accepted, but it's worth trying.)

3 +support
0 -support
1 neutral
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when ever there's no Liutenant, mayor could warrant citizens, btw if there were no mayor neighter then i think it would be good a voting. +support
+Support. This would be good when there is no LT and mayor, and the only one that can breach is SWAT with C2 door charge. Even then it wouldnt be planned correctly as there is noone to command.
Could be useful if there is no Mayor Or Lieutenant. Would probably get abused quite alot so maybe some changes could possibly make it so its not abused.

If there is no LT, somebody should go it since they're the ones who should be reviewing the warrants since they're supposed to know the laws very well. This would just give people a bigger reason not to go LT.
While I can see the frustration of not being able to properly warrant a building, I don't see this as being a great solution. As it is, I'm not huge on the lieutenant unilaterally defining a warrant either. There are times, this being one of them, that I feel a judge job should be available. However the presentation of evidence in order to convict needs to be better organized and possible. So this isn't a likely thing to be added until other features are added, some would be solely for the fact that detective job requires it as well.

Anyways I'm way off topic now, to go back to warrant voting, I don't view it as a necessity as both lieutenant and mayor have that ability, and without effective leadership the police force should have some disadvantages in my opinion.
While I can see the frustration of not being able to properly warrant a building, I don't see this as being a great solution. As it is, I'm not huge on the lieutenant unilaterally defining a warrant either. There are times, this being one of them, that I feel a judge job should be available. However the presentation of evidence in order to convict needs to be better organized and possible. So this isn't a likely thing to be added until other features are added, some would be solely for the fact that detective job requires it as well.

Anyways I'm way off topic now, to go back to warrant voting, I don't view it as a necessity as both lieutenant and mayor have that ability, and without effective leadership the police force should have some disadvantages in my opinion.

I like the idea of a judge job and if possible we could get a court house, the judge gets to decide prisoner sentances and warrants. You then take screenshots with a camera and send it in LOOC.
There should be a way of breaching in the house without a warrant cause most of times people are getting mugged in, lets say "bazar" and there is not lt or he is deaf.
I'm going to -Support this for now since when there are raid hungry cops online they all vote yes to randomly raid for the money they get from the drugs. And just like the mayoral vote, they'll just randomly click on yes or no without thinking
i think that this idea overall is interesting, but in my opinion you need to make it 80% to vote yes for getting a warrant.

but on the other hand i have a feeling that it will cause a warrant spam........
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