Police Suggestion Weapon confiscation

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Suggestion Title: Weapon confiscation
Suggestion Description: Weapon cant be confiscated when police pick it up rather it will remain in their inventory until they go to pd or car to destroy it.

Why should this be added?:
- more realistic actions avoid breaking combat confiscation also wont allow false confiscations and just give the gun back if it was wrongly confiscated
-update : the police can keep the guns in the car trunk tell it auto confiscate when going to pd.

What negatives could this have?:
-  if a uninvolved player kills a police officer just to get the gun.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: gives players a chance to steal the gun back from the police, for example when a player is 10 toes and the police have their gun their friend can break them out and get thier gun, also avoid breaking combat confiscation.
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Id love for this however it ruins the fact that cops can’t drive around 24/7 between situations
they can keep the guns in the car trunk tell it auto confiscate when going to pd
is it only guns or is it every confiscation? How would this affect drug confiscation?

I'm onboard with this if it means a hard-coded anti-minge-confiscation mechanic where the guns auto-drop on cop death if still on the person.

Reasons why:

Crim - Cops confiscating your gun too fast when your flanker kills them like 1 minute later is not enjoyable for anyone since you realistically would repossess your firearm as result of your victory.

Cops - Cops would also not be reported for confiscating too soon since some might forget or accidentally confiscate too early. In addition, you don't have to worry about civs minge grabbing during bank raids as much since you can hold on to the weapon if you down the suspect.
is it only guns or is it every confiscation? How would this affect drug confiscation?

I'm onboard with this if it means a hard-coded anti-minge-confiscation mechanic where the guns auto-drop on cop death if still on the person.

Reasons why:

Crim - Cops confiscating your gun too fast when your flanker kills them like 1 minute later is not enjoyable for anyone since you realistically would repossess your firearm as result of your victory.

Cops - Cops would also not be reported for confiscating too soon since some might forget or accidentally confiscate too early. In addition, you don't have to worry about civs minge grabbing during bank raids as much since you can hold on to the weapon if you down the suspect.
For drugs it should be the same but for guns let’s say during bank raids police officers can pick up the guns keep it in their inventory keeping the gun and public safe, since they are not confiscating the gun they are just holding it in their inventory it’s not combat confiscation.
This is just not viable at all and could and would be abused, having an officer hold firearms that they have confiscated makes zero sense in perp, firstly due to the fact that sometimes I've had to personally confiscate 8 or more firearms and having to return to the pd each and every time would impede duties as well as said it could be abused as it would take 1 person to gunpoint an officer and then they have all the firearms in their own possession, the term "combat Confiscation" [Policy does allow confiscation in dire situations] does not happen often and sometimes its a must to happen as certain situations mean that the officer cannot safely leave the firearm around on the floor[sweaters minge grabbing is on the rise]

This would just be another thing that Criminal mains could exploit and or [Corrupt] Officers use to their own advantage, It would impede officers duties and make the PLPD less efficient at their job[In terms of calling a situation code 4 then being able to respond to the next incident] <- which on a near full/full server is constant situations for the PLPD. and would be impossible each time to return to PD effectively and then the situation.
This is just not viable at all and could and would be abused, having an officer hold firearms that they have confiscated makes zero sense in perp, firstly due to the fact that sometimes I've had to personally confiscate 8 or more firearms and having to return to the pd each and every time would impede duties as well as said it could be abused as it would take 1 person to gunpoint an officer and then they have all the firearms in their own possession, the term "combat Confiscation" [Policy does allow confiscation in dire situations] does not happen often and sometimes its a must to happen as certain situations mean that the officer cannot safely leave the firearm around on the floor[sweaters minge grabbing is on the rise]

This would just be another thing that Criminal mains could exploit and or [Corrupt] Officers use to their own advantage, It would impede officers duties and make the PLPD less efficient at their job[In terms of calling a situation code 4 then being able to respond to the next incident] <- which on a near full/full server is constant situations for the PLPD. and would be impossible each time to return to PD effectively and then the situation.
How is it “abuse” to repossess guns you know an officer took from you? All it takes is going to PD or a cruiser to destroy them. It’s not that deep. Had they wanted to break 3.4 or mug in public (an officer no less) they can do it with or without this feature.
Yeah sure lets have pistol cops confiscating everything just to be hunted down and shot for their loot.
I feel like it could help having a system where any confiscated weapons are "saved" somewhat after being confiscated, so if something has been wrongly confiscated there is a time window, 10, 30 minutes for example, where an officer can access some kind of storage or menu to return something that was recently confiscated. Pro and cons of this as well of course, would probably have to be rank-locked in a way.
most of the pd mains replying dont realise that he said they are confiscated at pd or a CAR which is very fair considering it is very easy to find a pd car and chances are you brought a pd car to where you are if you are at a raid or something
Let's focus on what's wrong right now. I think most of us can agree that these problems are real:
  • Confiscating is too quick
  • You can't un-confiscate
  • Unconfiscated weapons are too exposed, and easy to grab by rule-breaking players
  • It's easy to confiscate prematurely/breaking the rules
Any other major problems?
An evidence locker in PD where higher-ranking cops can retrieve items that have been wrongfully confiscated would go a long way. Having the guns exposed and allowing cop shootouts over evidence is stupid, but to further RP cops can carry an "Evidence Bag" that cannot be taken by civilians and should be transported to the evidence locker in the PD whenever they are able, if not, then it automatically goes in the evidence locker when the cop DCs/ resigns.
Let's focus on what's wrong right now. I think most of us can agree that these problems are real:
  • Confiscating is too quick
  • You can't un-confiscate
  • Unconfiscated weapons are too exposed, and easy to grab by rule-breaking players
  • It's easy to confiscate prematurely/breaking the rules
Any other major problems?
Add a system with the locker retrieval into the new PLPD website where supervisors retrieving an item that was previously seized is logged, where they will have to justify a withdrawal.

Of course this should only apply to weapons, alcohol or crowbars. Explosives, drugs and other 100% illegal items should always be irretrievable as there is no lawful reason to their existence.
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