Weapon damage numbers

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United Kingdom
Can we have some sort of official release on the damage and penetrating power of certain guns/calibers because not all of us have access to freely test this on the academy server nor is it really possible to test it on the live server so it becomes a really gray area and guns are typically picked based on their placebo success rate rather than because they may or may not actually be good. I think this would benefit everyone really to have some numbers to base things off rather than just estimates and personal judgement .
would love this to compare smgs/pistols as they havent been nearly as widely tested and i love using most of them, would be nice to be able to calculate some sort of cost efficiency averages
if I can get all values including armour pen, fire rate, recoil etc. for every gun, ill probably end up making some sort of comparative cost effectiveness spreadhseet based on averages across the specific weapon class, the calculations I've got in mind are weird but they should work
Noone should be using the Academy server for this.... Pretty sure I have seen these numbers posted in a nerf TFU thread a while back, maybe you will have better luck finding it then me
Yea but sadly its just a scale from 1-10 of what is worst to best which I have no idea how it was tested or backed up. No true values.
Maybe percentage? Or you have to times it by a factor of 10 to find value out of 100?