Weapons you wish were on PERP 3: 2019 addition

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Here is a place where we can discuss weapons we wish were on PERP.

With our owner @Xquality now out of hibernation, I feel as though it would be nice to bring back this discussion!

I'll start us off with my ideas:

FN Five-seven Mk2

Famous for the unique cartridge it takes, the FN57 Mk.2 is the modern day instalment of the classic 57 handgun. It takes 5.7x28mm which is unique as its more of a rifle cartridge than a pistol one, but offers higher velocity and armour penetration in a manner that other pistols simply cannot achieve. Also, its thinner cartridge size allows it to have more capacity. To balance it out on the server, maybe they could make it take rifle ammo and give it a lower rate of fire than other pistols?

MP443 grach

A Russian 9x19mm luger pistol serving in the modern Russian military as the standard issue sidearm. Is popular as a military, paramilitary and law enforcement handgun. Might work as a PLPD Sidearm too but its nationality might be considered too exotic.

Walther P38

Looks similar to the luger, but unlike the luger, this pistol is commonly used today. Used by Law enforcement agencies in south america and asia as well as by paramilitary and even civilians, this pistol would be a pretty neat addition to PERPHeads in my opinion.

I'll finish this post later, in the meantime, discuss below what weapons you want to see on PERP

the rifle ammo thing for the 57 mk2 would actually be an advantage because you get more bullets for your money
I’m waiting for some more WW2 guns so me and my lads can pull some roadman rp, these things as well as trackies will help me come back.

Baikal MP153

Russian semi automatic sports shotgun. Looks very similar to the Remington 870 but the similarities are mostly in the aesthetic.

Beretta "silver Pigeon"

Italian Over-under shotgun, commonly used for hunting, sports shooting, and home defence. Basically a double barrelled shotgun that's easier to aim. If you've ever been clay pigeon shooting in the UK, you've probably used a .410 version of a similar gun.

Sub machine guns:


Austrian 9mm sub machine gun made with a conversion kit for the AUG Assault rifle. Designed to be used by paratroopers and Vehicle crews as a PDW.

Beretta M12

Originally issued to Military and Police in the US and Europe and quickly became adopted as the main sub machine gun of the US Delta Force group. Variants made by Taurus are still in use with the Brazilian military as there primary Sub machine gun.

Rifles / Carbines:

Russian internally suppressed Assault carbine chambered in the bulky 9x39mm Cartridge. Would be a nice change to the other rifles on the server.

Norinco "Type 56"

A faithful chinese recreation of the russian SKS Rifle. The reason I chose the Chinese version is because its a lot more common than a Simonov SKS. Basically on the server it'd be like an AK47 in terms of damage but with a lot more accuracy.

Dragunov SVD

An iconic Soviet rifle designed to be used as both a DMR / Battle rifle and a Sniper rifle, The semi automatic SVD deserves a place on the server in my opinion.

Beanfield Sniper Remington Sendero SF II
Would be the perfect hunting rifle for hunting down those goddamn furries
I'd fucking love to have a sturmgewehr 44
still my favourite weapon of all time.

That's because it is. The M24 is the Police/Military variant of the Remington 700 series, like the one above.
Maybe an RPG or some Laser guided rockets. Joking, you really thought I wanted them. I do. Anyways, maybe a police shield or something where tfu can have 1 or 2 and corporal plus can have 1 in total. Combining all ranks. It would be cool to have and could maybe withstand a certain amount of bullets. Make it so you can only use your pistol.
StG 44 is an amazing weapon, and extremely fucking powerful. Or well it was in WW2, idk how powerful it would be today lol, probably still pretty powerful.