This thread is about the weirdest people you have ever met.
Weirdest person i have met:
Me and my friend was just having a birthday party after both of us turning 7.
It was a laserdom party:
where you dress up with a vest and lasergun and shoot at eachother (lol i never hit anyone.) When we where done we ate some hamburgers and walked out of the building. We got to the parking lot when we saw someone walking up to us, he was drunk and grabbed my mom and my friends mom and said " May i please have these children? " My mom was amazingly still calm and just answered " No." and he just walked off almost falling because of all the alchohol he had drunk. I will never forget that XD.
Time for your story!
Weirdest person i have met:
Me and my friend was just having a birthday party after both of us turning 7.
It was a laserdom party:

Time for your story!