What a journey

Reaction score
This is a resignation, not a demotion.
This is the sort of thing I didn't want to write.​

Blimey. What an absolute ride this journey has been. It has been nearly 2 years since I joined this community. The longest time I've stayed dedicated to one community. The first day I joined PERP, where I was a right arse, not obeying by the rules and generally having a good time to my own rule book. After realising what I was doing wrong, I knew I had to change.

Months of trying to avoid getting into trouble, I would have a bit of a hiccup now and then breaking the most easiest of rules. I was then starting to look at the ban reasons on peoples bans to understand how they broke that certain rule, and eventually I started to get really good at following rules.

It took me a little bit over a year to obtain the rank 'Enforcer'. I was a little nervous posting it, thinking that I would receive no good feedback or making myself look like an idiot. On a Tuesday I think it was I drafted up an application on a word document thinking of things to put on the actual application itself. I put things on there that I really wanted to achieve and had acheived in my time here.

I encourage anyone that who are thinking if applying to become an enforcer to post an application, try to write things down or do what I did and draft it up for a few days to really understand what you were going to post. If you don't get it, it doesn't matter! You still have many chances to show the community that you're capable of holding that rank, that rank you would like so badly.

The day I recieved the rank 'Enforcer' I was over the moon. When @MrLewis accpeted it, I was totally unaware at the time as I was a pleb. That day I was trying my best to show to people why I applied for staff.

Long list inbound:
@MrLewis - Thanks for accepting me for Enforcer means a lot. As for being a gold Senior.
@Bolli - Thanks again, didn't really talk to you as I didn't know who you were lmao.
@Jordan - Developed a great PD. Stop parking outside my house or I'll slice your tires lmfao
@Pusheen - Congrats as Enforcer, you'll be a great mod.
@Medulla - Done a lot of hard work as Deputy Chief. Amazing administrator.
@atomic_wizard - Great Csgo times.
@John Daymon - Thanks for teaching me a lot of stuff while I was staff. Much appreciated.
@Momo - Still can't believe you shot me, no longer friends lmfao.
@The HitMan - Good cop and does really good passive RP.
@Racxes - What a sinep.
@Madda - Congrats on admin. Had a lot of fun times together.
@LordTyla - Can't believe you banned me when you was a mod. Great cop man, keep it up.
@Niko - For sending annoying anime to me over steam. Grats on mod
@ayjay - Didn't really know who you were when I was about a year in, but you're soo dedicated to do things. Great moderator and great officer of the PLPD. Has helped out a lot constructing PLPD.
@Jason Kile - For introducing me to PERP and teaching me how to play it. Congrats on Lt dude.
@McYeke - So fucking funny, Especially on PUBG.
@Super_ - Shame it had to go that way for you, you had potential. Good luck in what you're doing.
@Rogue Matiz Tyres - Need to get better at PUBG man. Fucking funny as a person.
@Appricey - Good mod, has a lot of potential in him.
@Mystic - Soo funny, use your mouse and not your fucking track pad when playing games, god dammit

If I've missed you out, I have nothing against you, just forgot who to put down

Honourable Mentions:
You're all great guys, working well and have developed a great community. Keep up the hard work

Reason why I'm leaving:
It's now got to a point for me where the server has started to get boring for me, when I join I'm only on there for about 10 mins then I get bored. Hopefully there will be a day where I rejoin the community and reapply for staff.
This will also be a resignation from the PLPD aswell @Jordan @ayjay

Adios Amigos
You were an absolutely brilliant moderator, and a solid all around geeza mate. Gonna miss you a lot, I hope you find the server more interesting and engaging with any future updates, and make sure you still stick around on TS so we can still chill about.
Best way to end a journey is 20ft under Berlin surrounded by men in unuforms :booty:

Sad to see another person leave, I've never really interacted with you before both IG and on the forums, but you were never a skid so Alles Gut :p
It's always a shame to lose staff members, especially ones who are geniunley good at what they do. You were a brilliant addition to the Police Department, and we will always keep an open spot for you in case you want to come back.

I hope to see you around in the near future.
I honestly did not expect to see this today or any day. You were an amazing moderator. You were friendly, kind and gave people chances however you always knew when to put your foot down or deal with someone the right way. This is what I believe staff members need to be if they aren't already which a large amount are. It's an absolute pain to see you leave Spaceshots and im going to miss you a lot. Make sure you stay on the forums.
Sad to see you go mate, you were a superb staff member and a great person within the community. Good luck to the future.
Damn man, of all staff you were by far the best. Also an amazing friend, one of the first people I've met on this server. Very sad to see you go even though I was kind of prepared for it. Good luck in the future man.
When I first found out about this, I was shocked. You're a great guy and I'm going to miss all the good times we've had in-game. You were a great asset to the staff team. Make sure you still come on ts though to chill and for our games of cs, and yes, I'll use my mouse.
This was something I honestly didn't expect, you're someone who I first didn't know what to think about but you made your name clear as a good moderator to me, you did a fantastic job from what I've seen, obviously everything doesn't last forever and sometimes people feel like leaving which is understandable.

I hope you will stay on the server as you're a fantastic friend and genuine player.

Even though me and @ayjay hate your music playing in the background in some of your admin situations :p


Poke me on ts when you're on and i'll give you channel admin
it was fun being troublemakers when we were new. but u became good 2 shoes and became mod what a loser. just kidding. cool guy, not a nazi mod. bye man Keep Yourself Safe
I remember when we first met, through Maddog two and a half years ago. Introducing you to perp and then jee, you became a staff member. We'll keep in touch man, see you soon!
Sad to see you go Spaceshots. You were a great staff member and a sound lad. Hopefully now you might get to Silver 2 on CS but hope to see you come back. Xoxo