What are your current opinions on the recent events in the USA

Sure I can agree with the protesting itself but the way that they are reacting now (Robbing places, assaulting people, destroying homeless peoples homes, burning cop cars etc) its all a bit fucked up really. Also really annoys me when im looking through facebook and I see my friends sharing all these posts that say things like 'gay's had to protest for rights, and women had to do the same so why can't black people' and I'm sat here like at least gay's and women were peaceful protest's and we're not harming people and destroying everything and robbing places. Also annoys me how these people actually haven't seen all the videos of the stupid shit these 'protesters' are doing.
I feel bad for the peaceful protesters because of fucking ANTIFA fucking it all up and they are just there to destroy shit. I believe that what those cops did was wrong but It does not mean that other police officers should be hurt.
I think that, if you believe destroying private property betters your cause, you are in fact doing the exact opposite and you're a fucking retard.

It's also time to realise every that people do NOT in fact like their cars damaged and feel threatened when you attack their car or truck with 30 people so don't be surprised when a guy dies because he gets dragged along under a semi for a mile.

Don't be surprised when a store owner whos livelyhood is already in trouble shoots you with a 12 gauge for looting.

The cop was obviously wrong and he violated his departments policy and SHOULD RECEIVE A FAIR Trial according to law and the atopsy report.

No matter how peaceful your intentions, Antifa has already infiltrated and such a large portion of this 'protest' consists of looting and vandalism. It is unwise to now stay outside and bitch about police brutality when many officers have been attacked solely out of hate. And this is coming from a libertarian.

Sure tyrone, im sure floyd is proud you just looted the new SAMSUNG 8K UHD OLED J76652B from target, we wuz freedom fighters n shiet.
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when the looting starts the shooting starts, just gonna cause more black people deaths that people will cry about.

I understand their frustration but some people go about it the wrong way. Guarantee most of the people going to these protests are going just too nick stuff
Basically, if the person who died had been a white dude, it wouldn't have been nearly as violent and severe which is so fucking stupid. As we apparently have to help when black people gets killed if they die, or we're all racists but if police brutallity on us, then it's nothing cause were white.

A little Recap, I'm not Supporting what that shit officer caused, but this is incredibly stupidly thrown out of proportion.
the whole point is that it's a black man so yes you're correct in saying that it wouldn't have been nearly as violent or severe

the point is that it's consistently black people getting murdered by the police without entire justice given
what do you mean without entire justice given? it takes time for the court to charge him
@Jay_ he was already charged with third degree murder when it's been proven that the officer and george floyd had past history & there was evidence to suggest it was premeditated
@Sorle the reason he was charged with third degree murder is because that was the charge that was most likely to stick. There's not enough evidence to charge him with anything more without turning into a fascist state.
@Jay_ you didnt understand my original point about entire justice, there have been multiple encounters with police where a black person is killed unnecessarily and charges arent pressed against the officers responsible which is what i was referring to
I think the Americans are just fucking backwards, I watched a video of an innocent man begging people not to burn down his business.. What sort of justice is that? What is the point in rioting? Looting? Seems like they've swayed away from justice for George Floyd and forgot what theyre actually "protesting" about