What exams do you have?

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So, this is a small thread asking about what exams you have.


PS. I made it read and bold because exams are hard.

and im bad at exams..
So Far:
Core 1 Maths AS
Core 2 Maths AS
Physics 1 AS
Chemistry 1 AS

Product Design AS
Statistics 1 AS
Physics 2 AS
Chemistry 2 AS

Only had 3 final exams in the order of German, English and Maths. Vornote means roughly translated "Pre-Grade", it makes up like 25% of your final grade, its like a first impression of how you are. Your participation in the lessons make up 25% aswell (Not listed here) and the Prüfungsnote (The grade you have received in the exam) makes up 50% of your final grade. Here are my results, if you don't know the system here in Germoney it is 1-6 , 1 is the best and 6 is the worst. My grades that I received are pretty solid and I also received my graduation I wanted (Which is FOR/Fachoberschulreife) so I am pretty happy with these results.
I finished some, but I'll list all the GCSE exams I've sat THIS year. (In my school we do Exams in Year 10 and 11 (UK) which is kinda sucky)
English Literature 1 + 2
English Language 1 + 2
Maths Application + Methods 1 + 2
Triple Science (Basically 3 exams of Biology, 3 exams of Chemistry and 3 exams of Physics, all progressively harder)
History Medicine
History Germany during the War
History Sport
ICT Unit 1 + 3 (Stupidly enough there is no 2)

As you can tell. This is fucking rediculous.
Forgot, but one of them was a Public Services paper and I have Physics, Biology and Chemistry papers next week.
I am not in Year 11/12th Grade (for Americans) yet so I do not have many exams but I do have some which are done this year such as Biology. Next year I will have a large majority of my exams to complete.