My school are stupid

Deleted member 1235

Nobody's fault but your own. What's stopping you printing out a past paper and doing it at home or in the Library during the allotted time? Act like a idiot and face the consequences.

As for stupid things my school done. In year 9 science, my Hungarian teacher was really shit and blamed our "lack of effort" for poor grades. We were Set 1 but highest in the class was a C. When she went on a rant about how we do nothing, I spoke up and said something along the lines of "It's not entirely our fault" or something like that. She went mental, kicked me out, got the power hungry German teacher (not kidding) to come and try and force me to say sorry. I didn't and she sent a letter to be signed by my head of year for me to be excluded. Went into my head of years office and he ripped it up and said "She's going in January, don't worry".
tl;dr Foreign teachers tred to kick me out
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So during drama/acting class we had to mimic an image from a video game. we had to choose a game and if neccesary, search up a photo(In a theatre, and she was referring to our phones) After a minute we sat down and i got down on the stage, searched a mario kart image and she took my phone...

After saying what i was doing i instantly got it back, but still. Dont say we can if we cant....

2nd bash:

amazing fibre optic gigabit internet, everything you can do on internet, java flash and stuff. nothing is blocked exept porn. ICT guy hates kids and blocked spotify. lmao
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United Kingdom
Just sat doing science revison, then the awesome staff team threw a bag at pop corn at us ahaha (their was like 5 off us), Science department awesome!

Secondly, I said every hear the word perp
Teacher - " No what's that?"
Me - "No? Well miss it's a game where a man called Aaron rapes people"
Teacher - " Oh my"
Me - " you want to join"