What is the STRONGEST car?

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Hello Everyone, It Piers Morgan again.

There are loads of posts on what is the best car at x price or what is the fastest car - but no discussions on what the strongest car is.

By strongest car i mean the car that can withstand the most damage from any source such as getting shoot at or crashing.

Yes i have made this post because i suck at driving and need something that can withstand more than a couple of crashes such as my current Honda CRX.

I believe the top contenders would be H1 mummer - Ford Raptor - Escalade

But i may be completely wrong and all cars have the same amount of ''health''

Please help a bad driver out.


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Hello Piers, welcome to PERP and the forums brother. Like I said today ingame: I think there's difference in how strong cars are. But I personally can't confirm this. It might just be a placebo effect. Because you are probs faster to crash a supercar. Hence why it breaks.
That being said, if there is something as a stronger or strongest car. I'd say the Escalade or Hummer. The beefy looking cars. I can't confirm this tho.
Maybe some developer could clarify this for you.

Hope this informed you somewhat. Enjoy playing and don't break rules my man!