What made you stick around?

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How did you find out about Perpheads, what was your first experience, what was your impression of the server when you first joined and what made you stick around?
2 friends of mine found perp and told me the next day how they got kidnapped and saved by a taxi driver named Patrick. Sounded pretty fun so we spent a couple of days playing together. Eventually they stopped playing but I stuck around. I think I was lucky enough to bump into friendly people at the start. I remember very clearly how cole who was a moderator at the time helped me around when I asked in ooc or how a random player who I don't remember the name of, gave me a gun and showed me how to change clothes and buy houses, only to raid me afterwards.
My first year was doing drugs with different organisations, though as time progressed I grew interested in the pd whitelist and all. The pd is probably why I never left.
What made me stick around recently? @SatoshiAaron bought me 3 months of VIP and I decided to stick around solely for the 3 months of VIP and so it didn’t go to waste. Evo was also fun to me cuz it was miles different to the normal perp experience and it bought back a lot of players temporarily. Plus the CoD elections and command team vacancies. Now I can’t be fucked getting a command position in the PD because I don’t want to be a part of that and with paralake v1 idk I’m losing interest.

I found perp cuz my little brother used to play it and showed me it, so I got Garrys mod just to play this. I stuck around because 2017 perp was pretty fucking good Imo, lots of gang shit and free SWAT if u had VIP.
I join here because my friend @lilsam747 and @roboticrob played here in 2013 and we had previously played Gmod.biz, they made the switch over to here around October 2013 but I was reluctant to get involved in another rp community, then they told me that one of our friends @Leyer from Gmod.biz played here. so I decided to give it a go.

I've stuck around for so long probably because of the friends I've made along the way, a big influence on my decision to return last year was @Madda

Also I miss you @Brinch
I got promised free stuff by this guy called RoyHB

I used to play the old 1942RP everyday on Gmod. However, I got banned of it once for basing with the resistance as Hitler. During my 2 day ban back in September 2013 I decided to try out Perp as I'd never heard of it before. I joined and got run over immediately but just sat and watched people. Decided to stay for a hour to reach the minimum time needed to be a cop. Then proceeded to be Cop main for 3 years, never buying more than a mini or burgers. Then I met so many people, including Captain Spaghetti, Hazza, Tyla, Chris and Chrissy, Trande, Mattismadforcod, Pear, Abdi, Feng, Tom Hill etc. Started coming off cop and basing with them just messing around and doing weird stuff. Never really used to base or do drugs. I made my first ever org in V2 I think, The Commonwealth which had Ayjay, Aaron etc in it. Last played properly in June/July 2016 where I got a royal goodbye by Tom Hill.

In the 3 years constant play I did, I never received a ban (it's so easy to follow the rules and still have fun seriously). I only got 2 warnings, 1 for mugging and ignoring the NPC, which I did but the guy broke 3.4 and I didn't know or cba to dispute it. The second for organising an amazing kidnapping of Pear when he was Mayor we my berreta M9 that had 5 bullets in it and no mags. Only to reach our apartment and be told it's not allowed.

I stayed for the banter and friends tbh
You were on in 2017 I remember holding a door as cop with u during a projex raid.
It may have been a quick session. However, when the full PLPD got whitelisted, I never applied. I don't even have a PLPD online account
Perp was very fresh back then, not many servers like it (there was a french one but I wasn't committed on learning French). I actually enjoyed the pd back then and I don't see why it ever had to change (I know you have invested a lot of time and resources into it). I actually got a 6 month ban shortly after joining due to Luke having a power trip, I appealed the ban and it got lowered to a month, when I joined back we had just migrated over to Paralake V1 and there was a lot to explore for me, I hadn't touched the criminal system yet so I tried to get to know it. Got to know people and it kind of carried on till the end of V2 till I got burnt out a bit, took a break just after they announced the PD whitelist. Came back to V3 and the cancerous PD and TFU, I didn't stay long. TLDR; Bring back Swat
came on after seeing this video
the impression was good and bad, the bad was from seeing you needed to fill up a full application to become an officer, good was seeing all the weapons and other jobs you could do.
Joined a random server that looked fun.
Stuck around when @Cole introduced me to rayz and the guys in Olsen, if he hadn't done that, I would not still be playing. New players get shit on every opportunity and nothing ever gets done
I played alot of perp on different servers back in 2014-2015 and after the server I mainly played on shut down (most good perp servers were shutting down) I quit gmod for a while to play Runescape and other games. One day I saw this dude @NeluDaHunter playing perp on a server called ppheads so I joined, found out that this is actually a heavily customized version of perp which wasn't the case on the other servers, so I got interested in playing again and idk from then on I just kept playing because perp is what I liked.

now my interest is gone and i'm back at runescape
I came on here from LifePunch Jailbreak back in 2013. I knew someone called Boden and he came on here with MrAaron to fuck around. We went round hitting people with bats and then we stopped playing after round 2 hours. I joined back around 2 months later and just messed around and tried figuring out how the gamemode was played when I met Jamie Belinsky (iNPSIRE) by using my duck soundboard and I guess I have been leaving and coming back every few months since. I got permed in around 2016 I think and then I got unbanned early 2018 if I remember correctly and I have been quite active since that has happened. Probably the most active I have ever been here.

I'd start listing people who I have met and who have inspired me to stay, but I have honestly met some really fucking top notch people here and I will never forget the good times I have had here. Sounds pathetic, but this community has effected a lot of people in ways that I doubt they even realize.
I stayed because I was DCoD, then @Collier robbed me of Chief of Department, like the classic German he is, I got bored and left, but do regret leaving the PD now.