What videogame are you most passionate about?

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Hi y’all,

As the title stated: What videogame are you most passionate about?

I can personally sadly say that I’ve played many, many videogames. Pretty much every big title I’ve played. But one videogame that I’ve played extensively and will always remain my favorite game is: The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion

I remember playing it on launch and being hooked by the enormous world, great questlines and I personally love the wonky character models.

I can safely say that I mastered this game near 100%. Having completed many full playthroughs. Even 100% completion on max difficulty which is really hard (if you know, you know).

Other games I’m passionate about are:
World of Warcraft (Vanilla till WOTLK)
Fortnite (season 0 and 1)
Mario 64
Counter Strike (source especially)
COD 4 Modern Warfare
Fifa 10 till like 15 (cuz of FUT)
Half Life
And probably many I forgot to name here.

Edit: some more games that came to mind later.
Minecraft (had luxury to have played since Alpha)
League of Legends (played since months of original release, grinded my way to 30 playing against bots in custom matches. 12 ip per win. Ouch)
Resident Evil 4
GTA Vice City and IV
Fallout 3
Mario Sunshine

What game or games are you truly passionate about and which one is your all time favorite, and why? Let us all know!
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Mount and Blade Bannerlord,
XCOM2 War of the Chosen,
Old School RuneScape,
Mount and Blade Bannerlord,
XCOM2 War of the Chosen,
Old School Runescape,
Bannerlord I only picked up around a year ago and absolutely loved it. Went on 16 hour playstreaks. The game can become quite stale and grindy after a while tho. Picked it up on my playstation few weeks ago but I rlly dislike the controls so havent played since. Minecraft I forgot to mention too. Absolute classic!
It's the only reason I have any kind of interests in games at all, I occasinally play Fifa but the sentimental value of this community to me is unmatched. (Even tho my guys aren't here anymore.)
True. Also I don't feel that there is any other game that offers the same or near same experience that PERP does.
What’s the ROI on playing games? 0% you fucking idiot

Grow up and become a business man!!!!!!

Top G mentality
True. Also I don't feel that there is any other game that offers the same or near same experience that PERP does.
You never had any similar feels with other games?
Dark Souls Series to the point where I 100%ed all games twice, I don't know why, the game franchise is just very unique.
Dark Souls Series to the point where I 100%ed all games twice, I don't know why, the game franchise is just very unique.
Still worth playing original dark souls in 2022? Never played them tbh, they seemed too hard for me
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Still worth playing original dark souls in 2022? Never played them tbh, they seemed too hard for me
Original as in the first Dark Souls called Prepare to Die Edition?

Nah, there's no PVP cause all of the servers are down permanently, and never coming back. It's one of the easiest Dark Souls in my opinion though, it's easy to parry stuff, rolling is nice, etc.

It's one of the first games I actually invested a whole lot of time into, and I've been playing it for more than a decade now, I always find myself coming back to it when I am bored and have nothing to play.

Despite many of you probably finding it terrible, I absolutely love DayZ and have done for nearly a decade now as well. It was absolutely terrible when I bought it, but I've had so many really, really fun experiences and met some really unique characters playing as a mostly friendly adventurer. I've been playing it off and on for ages
Civ V, cause VI sucks.
simulators in general
garry's mod
euro truck simulator

It's one of the first games I actually invested a whole lot of time into, and I've been playing it for more than a decade now, I always find myself coming back to it when I am bored and have nothing to play.

Despite many of you probably finding it terrible, I absolutely love DayZ and have done for nearly a decade now as well. It was absolutely terrible when I bought it, but I've had so many really, really fun experiences and met some really unique characters playing as a mostly friendly adventurer. I've been playing it off and on for ages
I never got into DayZ standalone. Understand why you like it tho. Without DayZ battle royales probs wouldnt even exist. Have you played the Arma 2 DayZ too?
I never got into DayZ standalone. Understand why you like it tho. Without DayZ battle royales probs wouldnt even exist. Have you played the Arma 2 DayZ too?
Unfortunately not, I was a dumb child when people were playing Arma 2 DayZ and only ever got into it in Standalone. I tried almost every single DayZ-esque thing on Arma 3, though, but none of them had the charm that DZSA did in my opinion
Right now:

Playing through the story of GTA V (actually for the first time ever) and it's quite fun.

Arma 3
@Madda, myself and a couple of other guys started up an Arma 3 group in June this year. Since then, I've enjoyed making custom missions every single week. Recently, we made the decision to transition to become a British Unit, and it has been lots of fun, rebranding all ranks, roles, images and text.

My ALL TIME Favorites:

1. Stonehearth
This game is my absolute favorite I've ever played, and I hate that it was abandoned by the devs. Thankfully the modders in it are amazing and are actually keeping it up-to-date, optimizing it and adding new features. I fucking love this game to bits, and I would sponsor a Stonehearth 2 single-handedly if I had to.

2. Total War: SHOGUN 2
I started playing this in my weeb phase of my life, and to this day I still think it is by far one of the best Total War games ever made. No Total War game since SHOGUN 2 has captured me in the same way.

3. Planet Coaster
I spent every single day of my childhood playing Rollercoaster Tycoon 3. When Rollercoaster Tycoon World was announced, I was excited but man that game was trash. Then PlanCo came along, and it is by far the best Theme Park game ever made. Sure, RCT2/3 has the nostalgic feel to it, but PlanCo is a worthy successor to it.

4. Cyberpunk 2077
The game definetly deserved it's criticism. But since then, the developers has worked tirelssly to patch it to a point where it is an amazing game with excellent replayability. There are so many options for different weapon builds and the Cyberpunk setting? Don't even get me started, no game has EVER captured the Cyberpunk City feel as well as this game.