What you want to do in future

Going to start with my diploma for application development if my intake goes well.
After that i'm doubting in between going higher up with application development, or start working as a programmer for whatever the hell i can get.
At the moment I got a lot of things running in my head. I really want to be a lawyer as I find it really intresting, however I wish to do military service with the K-3 platoon as everyone Else in the family did it ( and my brother is currently getting into it ) however I do have backup plans like; police officer as I'm studying everything you need for it and something to do with computers.

My plan in life is to follow my dads footsteps basically.
My dad joined the RAF at 21 as your "average" airmen, after a while he decided he wanted to do something more exiting (plus the extra pay). So he got his commission. After a long, intensive and hard training his final parade was in sight and the queen was their handing out the newly promoted officers their commission, he was in fact a pilot. During training my dad made a friend, his name was Flt Lt Martin Cliff. Even to this day, we occasionally go around to their house for the odd summers BBQ xD. My dad flew all sorts of planes from the Tristar to the Hawk at RAF Valley. When i was born my dad decided to quit as risking you life is not the best choice when you have two kids at home. However Martin stayed in and became a

Red Arrows Display Team pilot for three years.
Some brief info and proof of martin can be found on the Red Arrows Website found here. (Sixth section down)


My dad left the RAF and wanted to get a safe-ish job but still fulfil his love of flying. 24 years ago he joined British Airways as a First Officer, about 10 years ago he decided to go for a new opportunity that would change how people look at our family forever. He became a Captain.
So here we are, a lot has happened between but the basic overview is that he is currently a Captain for British Airways and that is what i am hoping to do.
I am currently in the Air Cadet Corps and am currently on the right track to getting my dream.
I am going to apply and hopefully get into the British Airways FPP (Future Pilot Program) after completing a degree in aeronautical engineering. However the competition for the program is extremely high as my dad tells me all the recent in-takes are all Oxford and Cambridge graduates.
My back up plan is to go into the RAF as an Officer and fly fast jets, i have already got flying hours on my record due to cadets and just saying, my first ever flying session, i was told i was a born natural ;)

So there is is, not sure why i came out with a full story, basically i want to join the RAF and then proceed into commercial airlines once my family is set up.
I really don't know. I have a rough idea but i'm not set on anything.

Had you asked me a year ago, without a shadow of a doubt I'd have said that I wanted to be a professional racist police officer , but now my plan has completely changed.

After becoming a volunteer with St John Ambulance in the early summer of 2014 I've completely switched. I think a career in medicine, particularly emergency medicine would be great. The experiences I've had with SJA have really helped me rule out the police.

But then, someone I work with at SJA works in emergency planning. After chatting with him I've now started to consider a job similar to his (such as being a tactical advisor or commander with the ambulance service). After doing some research I'm now considering going on to do a masters degree in Disaster Management and Emergency Planning, joining either the ambulance service or the fire service as a tactical advisor or scene commander and continuing to volunteer for SJA OR doing a degree in Paramedic Science and becoming a paramedic with hopes to become an advanced paramedic/paramedic practitioner working either response or as a HART operative.



RAF Military Police:


Providing I pass all my A-levels, I may attempt to enter at the rank of Officer. I'm also interested in the close-protection (Bodyguad) side of the MPs.

Or... I may move to America and establish a large crime family. Whilst wearing a blue suit.
I am thinking of so kind of job that involves computers and shit. If that dose not work then i might join the military.
My dream is to become a professional masturbator, Kappa
What I mean is, I have said the same thing twice, and I am a silly sausage.

Fixed it for you love,

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I thought I'd extend on what I put before with stuff I've already achieved; so here we go.

School (Completed):

Let's start from high school, the place of absolute achievement and overall development to become a human being.
I failed GCSE maths and my nan now hates me.

I came out of Secondary school with 9 overall GCSE's marked A-C:

English Language : B grade
English Literature: B Grade
Computing GCSE : A grade
Film Studies GCSE : A grade
Graphic Art GCSE: B Grade
History GCSE: C Grade
Physical Education GCSE: C Grade
Media Studies GCSE: B Grade
Religious Studies: A grade

College (In Progress):

This is what I'm currently doing, I'm doing two one year courses at Leeds City College (in Leeds):

Game / Web Development (Level 3) ; Equivalent of 3 A levels (Year 1)

Computer Science (Level 3) ; Equivalent of 3 A levels (Year 2)

University :
This is where shit gets a little weird, for most of my life I've always wanted to travel the world and study somewhere absolutley out of my comfort zone; for that I have picked Sweden as a distant dream away from home.
I've been checking out lots of different universities in Sweden and spoke to several people who have advised me that their universities for what I want to do within life are the best in the world.

I looked at places such as the Linnaeus University and a few others which caught my eye.
However, this is a distant dream and probably won't happen; however I would love it to.
I would want to be either a solider in Shayetet 13 (4th place on best special forces in the world) solider in israel or a fireman in US. Not too many fires to stop at israel... And the israeli force never has enough soliders since Hamas are a pain in the ass so...