What's the most creative raid you've been involved in? (Raider or Defender)

Someone has bombed my slums 1 property and fucking placed a bomb above in slums 2 to blow off my window‘s fence and so they could shoot me from the Slums gas station roof :meh:
Someone has bombed my slums 1 property and fucking placed a bomb above in slums 2 to blow off my window‘s fence and so they could shoot me from the Slums gas station roof :meh:
bro doesnt know the counter method:laughcry::laughcry::laughcry:
Here's the list:
@JER and I bombing slums 3 through the floor with bombs stacked on props and running in with machetes.
Raiding Olsen with each member bringing 1 bomb. (You're welcome for the rule change that came as a result...)
Gunpointing a TFU To breach a door for us then sending him in to get shot so we could see where they were shooting from.
Using a bomb to strategically destroy chemical tables in bases back when chemical tables would do chain reactions.
I've seen @Atomic assist in raiding projex by driving to City garage and using an M82 to shoot at the apartment from long range whilst his org raided it.
On several occasions as a raider and defender I've shot through the ceiling or floor to either kill defenders in common barricade spots or raiders in front of doors.
Back when bombs didn’t make cars explode I had my org mate put a bomb in the back of a Ford f100 that I drove into morons the shipping co. garage and left in front of their barricade wall.
Yesterday I went to a Subs house with a friend, we made a plan; lockpick the backdoor, get back in the car, and wait for them to come down and investigate or not. Turns out two of the occupants ran downstairs with guns on their backs, looking around. I was a SECOND away from being caught. So, step 2: distract the occupants as I sneak in the back. My friend went to their front door, created a commotion asking if they wanted to buy his shit, I was in the car in the back of the Subs houses watching as they ran downstairs to the front door, I snuck in, closed the door behind me, and ran up. Rookie mistake; I opened a door creating a lot of noise causing my death.

We were there not to really raid or kill, the reason I died was that I had a bottle on me as a " weapon ". We wanted to see how long we could stay in there without being caught.
XD That's actually hilarious. One guy in the front causing a distraction while you sneak in the back. Might have to give that one a go.
I don't do much raiding, but as a cop my favorite thing to do is, whilst TFU prepare to breach, I talk shit to the defenders through the wall and attempt to rile them up, if they're talking back whilst the TFU breach then they're likely to be taken off guard. It's always amusing.
I will have to say today I dealt with a good raid I was a corporal outside subs 7 about 7 raiders inside we had one unit positioned at the front then me at the rear with a shotgun with the rear door open just poping shots as they peaked out the corner of the wall.

Another one is bank robbery’s I go sit on the roof and shot from the vent with my shotgun as people try to leave the bank vault always works the charm as people are not expecting you to do it.
Yesterday I went to a Subs house with a friend, we made a plan; lockpick the backdoor, get back in the car, and wait for them to come down and investigate or not. Turns out two of the occupants ran downstairs with guns on their backs, looking around. I was a SECOND away from being caught. So, step 2: distract the occupants as I sneak in the back. My friend went to their front door, created a commotion asking if they wanted to buy his shit, I was in the car in the back of the Subs houses watching as they ran downstairs to the front door, I snuck in, closed the door behind me, and ran up. Rookie mistake; I opened a door creating a lot of noise causing my death.

We were there not to really raid or kill, the reason I died was that I had a bottle on me as a " weapon ". We wanted to see how long we could stay in there without being caught.
didnt we do this as well some days ago? lmaoooo