Whats the worst thing you have done irl

Told a terminally ill cancer patient to "get well soon" after dropping him off at hospice. He told me a few minutes earlier the doctors give him 4 weeks tops........ This was almost 5 years ago and I still randomly cringe whenever I drive past that place
I almost killed a kid with a knife once.
I destroyed 3 cars with a group of kids.
I disappointed my mother at a circus
Chris Flynn doing something bad is impossible. The worst thing Chris has ever done is worn a flanen shirt that didn't 100% match his jeans. (It's his daily fit and he only wears this nothing else)
Told a terminally ill cancer patient to "get well soon" after dropping him off at hospice. He told me a few minutes earlier the doctors give him 4 weeks tops........ This was almost 5 years ago and I still randomly cringe whenever I drive past that place
I wouldn't worry too much they won't remember it.

I'll see myself out.
I accidentally killed my neighbours cat

when i first moved out i used to live in a share house with people i literally never saw and didnt know, and one day a stray cat showed up at the door. the poor thing was manky and not taken care of (missing hair all over, scarring on its body and face and underfed), so i left out a bed and biscuits for it outside as i wasnt allowed pets where i was renting.

i went door knocking to find out if the cat belonged to anyone and no one had seen it before. i went to every house and eventually spoke to everyone in a 4 block radius except my immediate neighbour to the left because they never answered the door (they were pretty shady so i didnt think much of it)

the cat was really worse for wear so i did what i thought was the right thing and took it to the vet so they could fix him up. he had no microchip, wasnt desexed, had several infections, they were super sympathetic and said i did the right thing, and that i needed to leave the cat there so they could make him better and they would call me with any progress to let me know how he was doing. left feeling all chuffed with myself for saving the kitties life.

get home from this vet and am immediately greeted by some angry addict-looking guy banging on the front door to my house yelling 'wheres my cat. i say 'woah calm down dude are you my neighbour xxx? I tried knocking x and x and x but you never answered. i didn't know the cat was yours, ive just taken him to the vet and theyre going to fix him up'

he is enraged and starts screaming at me 'theyre going to kill my cat, get me my fucking cat' and i was like 'man its fine, i will call them right now and we can go get your cat'

called the vet saying 'heyy its me, i was just there (less then 5 minutes ago) to drop off this stray cat, turns out hes not a stray after all! my neighbour will come grab him'

i have them on speakerphone and she just says 'oh, im so sorry but we just put that cat down'

neighbour was beside himself and theres no nice end to the story except to realise the cat was definitely not taken care of and suffering. i am a cat person so this makes me sad but the 'i killed my neighbours cat' story continues to go quite hard

if i had known they would put it down i never would have taken it there, but i was very young and naive. I probably would have taken to a shelter or found a way to look after it myself.

TLDR: never take a stray cat/pet to the vet they will put it down :(

RIP sweet baby

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