Encounters/Experiences IRL with Police

I responded to a pager alert and went over to the psyche ward (I worked in the geriatric psyche ward just right next door) to see a fine gentleman get escorted by two police men that took him under his shoulders with a paper bag stuck onto his head. Next thing I see is how he gets locked and fixed with all 4 of his limbs on a bed with everyone watching and about 20 hospital staff being around :)

My personal encounters were boring. I was caught "using" my phone when all I did was accept a call and use my hands-free bluetooth system that almost every car comes with, 10 euro fine but I'll take that any day compared to the usual 100 euro+ fine and a point on the register.
10 EURO FINE? Its 350 over here. We have automated camera's that can check if you even have it on your lap.
Hi y'all it's me again,

A post to find some interesting and funny replies for a change.

Have you ever had encounters/experiences with the Police in IRL if so what?
Can be anything from getting caught commiting a crime to just a funny thing to state. Curious to see who are both IC and IRL criminals ;)

I'll start with my own experience:
About 3 weeks ago at 3:30 AM I got my drivers license taken away by the coppers for driving to fast. True criminal yes. Other than the hefty fine I hope to be driving again in 2 months.

Share yours!
cops took my weed
10 EURO FINE? Its 350 over here. We have automated camera's that can check if you even have it on your lap.
Yeah I'm so glad we don't have that here yet. There are prototypes and testing in some areas but right now we have cops using drones to check the safety distance of trucks on the autobahn (about 2 white lines and 3 empty spaces apart).

But the cop who saw me do it was a really nice guy and I was in the middle of my job. My car has our companies address on it and knows that its a nursing vehicle so he made it quick and painless.
I was going 125 MPH on the freeway (it was a 75 MPH zone), I did not have my licenses on me, I also at the time did not have the car's registration in the car

I was pulled over for obvious reasons
I somehow talked my way out of any trouble at all

To this day I have 0 idea how I got out of that
I was going 125 MPH on the freeway (it was a 75 MPH zone), I did not have my licenses on me, I also at the time did not have the car's registration in the car

I was pulled over for obvious reasons
I somehow talked my way out of any trouble at all

To this day I have 0 idea how I got out of that

125mph on the freeway, checking perp forums and also speaking in teamspeak, big ups
we once set a bin on fire in the basketball court from our 3rd floor english room (accidentally) and the police suspected one of my friends who had nothing to do with it
I fell asleep with a girl after smoking a bunch of weed in my car I had about 10gs in pots on me I only got a caution for possession. Another time I was kind of high and I got stopped for waiting outside McDonald’s waiting for my friends to finish working I had weed in my grinder which I was going to smoke i had cocaine hidden in the light panel but they didn’t find that luckily.
curled one out on @Tyla Jai 's bonnet

his reaction
I once tried to tell a police officer that he was unlawfully arresting someone and causing alarm and distress and that I would report him to professional standards - camera up, rambling on like one of these sovereign citizen/freeman on the land idiots.

He told me to fuck off and proceeded to arrest him.

Guy apparently got sent down for it - I cringe really bad whenever I think of it.

Lesson: Don't get lippy as a 1st year law student; you don't know shit.
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I once tried to tell a police officer that he was unlawfully arresting someone and causing alarm and distress and that I would report him to professional standards - camera up, rambling on like one of these sovereign citizen/freeman on the land idiots.

He told me to fuck off and proceeded to arrest him.

Guy apparently got sent down for it - I cringe really bad whenever I think of it.

Lesson: Don't get lippy as a 1st year law student; you don't know shit.