When did you start playing?

I joined in January 2015. I was 14 when I joined... I thought Perpheads is like any server which you can minge on ... 5 out of 7 of my bans plus 19 out of 22 warnings are because of immature and unsettled(what we can say but "sweatervest" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lmao). after 5 months I realized that there is a forum for the server so I made one in June. I spent 3 years playing the server and it was worth every second... I should've have said that before but yea big thanks to Boli, Fredy, Carrot, Stephen and the other staff for taking apart in developing this fascinating server because your hard work didn't go for waste
Joined the website Oct 5, 2013 but I played on the server a few weeks before that.

Here's some screenshots from the old days:



February 2014, just after V1 was introduced. Man those were the days, no mic, bad English and my first name being John Klarkson