When to help someone when they are being arrested.

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Well im wondering at what amount of jail time you should be allowed to lets say gunpoint a cop to uncuff your friend.

Ive not found a theard/post or rule that states at what sentence you are allowed to do so without breaking 3.4

(If there is a thread/post or rule about it please feel free to correct me.)
It is usually put this way: The Benefit must outweight the risk" as explained in rule 3.4 I believe. This means that if a person is getting 9 years for a murder, it is generally acceptable to gunpoint a cop to get him out since that risk is lighter than the benefit. In this case, the risk would be about 7-8 years, while the benefit is preventing 9 years. That's beneficial. But if a person is getting 2 years for reckless driving, is it worth risking 7 years for Threaten of Physical Harm and Gun posession?
Just like If someone is going down for murder then yea help them but don’t help someone e.g. a traffic offence etc