Just something I was thinking about

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I don't like how some people act when they think someone is breaking a rule.

I'll give a small example:
You are gunpointing someone who is right in front of you in the middle of the highway. The person starts sprinting away while bunny hopping for 50 meters and as you are trying to catch up to him while yelling "you are under-gunpoint", like he didn't realise already, he hides behind a car and pulls a rifle from his pocket, gunning you down with you being too focused on screaming "you are breaking 3.4, what the fuck" to shoot back even one bullet at him.

Firstly let me clarify that not everyone does this, but I have seen quite a lot of situations like this going down and in my opinion it is a very bad thing to do. This ruins the enjoyment of the situation for both yourself and the person who you accused of breaking whatever rules he may or may not have actually broken (well except if he is a troll, then he will probably find it hilarious).
I am not saying that the guy didn't break rules, or that he shouldn't be punished for it. What I'm saying is that, while rules should be followed, they should also be kept OOC. If you are in a role-play situation don't bring up the rules, it is very not cool.

If you approach these kind of situations with an open mind, instead of thinking that rules are your safe space, and try to even slightly enjoy the situation where rules were broken (even if it was the most blatant thing in the world), maybe you won't feel like your time was wasted and maybe even get a laugh from the whole thing. Maybe you won't even be mad in the end and just want to let the guy know of his mistakes without him being banned for it.

But hey I've not been very active on the server for the past few months so maybe everything has already changed for the better and I'm just a retard for writing all of this, would be a very poggers moment.