When u crash u wont lose ur drugs

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Topic: drugs dont disapir when dc/crash/internet problem

Short explanation (in notes):
- do that if someone game crash or he dc his plants wont disapir

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): u should add it because if u raid a place as a civilian or a cop and he dc or his game crash or his internet problem his drugs disapir or if u grow and then ur game crash or ur internet crash u lose ur plants and then u need to spend money again on pots and seeds so think about it

Thx for reading :D
I don't think they will add this thing since It is working good as it is right now. I think the drugs are scripted the same way as the apartments you own and your car that everything will disappear when you're not having a connection to the server. That is a good Idea to do so even if people got bad internet It's their problems. If people do disconnect or losing connection when getting raided so the drugs will disappear there is always a solution of that. Since It is against the rules then there is a solution.

I do not believe they should change it and therefore I do not supporting it!
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