Who strikes fear into you and why?

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Out of pure curiousity I'm making this thread. If you consider yourself a top G and want to say: "Boohoo I fear nobody im the best bla bla.." Then just dont comment. This is targetted at the more casual players who got raided/mugged alot by certain players or groups and are still haunted by their names.

Let me clarify my question with an example: Anakin, leader of NWA, also knows as Aquaa. Is the only person/player that truly strikes fear into my mind whenever he's online and raiding. Maybe because I used to be a crafter/member of one of his former orgs (Lollicons or something, was years ago), I therefore know how organised he bases/raids/works. Whenever I get raided by him nowadays I instantly assume its gameover for me. Outside of his criminal agenda and rivalries he is a really nice dude tho, at least from what I can remember.
Which current or old player/players, strike fear or used to do this into you? Let me know below, I'd like to read your stories!
People with the new player tag buying a AK from bazar, pulling it out and starting to point it at the biggest gathering of people
This is what perp is all about tho, new players massRDMing and after that screaming at staff members. Perpheads in a nutshell.

if anyone on perp strikes fear into u then theres something severely wrong they all die when u shoot them in the head

if anyone on perp strikes fear into u then theres something severely wrong they all die when u shoot them in the head
Strikes fear in a rp sense. Cant shoot him in the head if he kills me faster, even with 200 ping.
But I can assume you have no name to list here?
Strikes fear in a rp sense. Cant shoot him in the head if he kills me faster, even with 200 ping.
But I can assume you have no name to list here?
then dont let him know that you want to shoot him in the head

the only thing i am afraid of on perp is my own autism