Who strikes fear into you and why?

Probably @Dom_ ill never forget the day , twas a good day in Paralake. myself and @ssssij rolled up to fuel up our Mini Cooper when suddenly shots broke out, I caught the glimpse of an AS50 in the corner of my eye, I hastily minge grabbed it and took of going 30mph down the highway back to slums. Little did I know it belonged to Dominic Gandhi

But we were in the clear, home free 70 thousand dollars.. we were rich finally. Life was good for a while, when we got a knock, Alfa Ross was at our door, “where’s our AS50?” Dear God.. how does he know, we were caught red handed. We were put on the list until we had paid our debt back, things were never the same.:penguin:
@Tyla Jai's mum, pictured below

I swear to god I've never seen more than 3 pixels of that man. Is he even real? The logs say so, but I might be imagining things.
Dom_, because he will use more bombs and throw more grenades than all the guns and drugs inside my property are worth