Whole Medical System Revamp

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Revamp of the whole medical system

Short explanation (in notes):
- Improves Medical Roleplay.
- A more realistic and detailed medical system.
- Makes Medic more fun.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

What is it?
My idea is to completely revamp the medical system. Adding a much more complex health system including surgery and post mortem examinations.

How does it work?
Each time a player gets killed in the old system a medic would simply revive him, in this new idea there would be differnet procedures for differnent injurys. A medic would arrive at the scene and would be able to bring up a UI
Cant see UI DEMO? GO HERE http://puu.sh/mPxFN/3ebf2812cc.jpg Thanks @Hazza56
Here are some examples:

Player fell off a roof and got knocked out:
  • There would be a percent chance for this injury to be a Broken Leg or a sprained ankle (effected by Genes).Broken leg: A medic would arrive at the scene and examine the body, and bandage the leg if it was bleeding. The medic would stabilise the patient and drive them back to the hospital for surgery. Sprained Leg: The medic would arrive and staibilise the man, giving painkillers and healing his wounds.
Player was shot by a Sniper:
  • The medic would arrive and give the body adrenaline, then the medic would bandage the body and staibilise it, putting it into the back of the ambulance, the medic would attempt to get to the hospital in time so the surgeon can operate on the body.

Player was knocked out with baseball bat:
  • The medic would arrive at the scene and stabilise the man. The medic would then give painkillers and anti-biotics, while healing the man. If needed the man can be brough to the hospital for further assistance.

Player was hit by car:
  • Broken Bone (30+ Mph hit) The medic would arrive at the scene and give the man painkillers and adrenaline. Then he would bring the man back to the hospital for further assistance and surgery.
  • Knock Out (10-29 Mph hit) The medic would arrive at the scene and staibilise the man, when the man wakes up the medic would issue painkillers.
  • Paralysed (60+ Mph hit) The medic would stabilise the man and bandage him. Then they would put him into the ambulance. Then they would rush to the Hospital for surgery.

Player was shot by small arms (pistol):

  • The medic would arrive at the scene and staibilise the man, giving him bandages painkillers and medical attention. The medic may provide surgery at the scene to remove the bullet.

Other stuff:

Ambulance interior:

Sorry for the spelling mistakes in this post, comment the mistake and I will fix it! Thank you!

Optional additions:
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The whole system sounds great, it would add a lot of more RP and wouldn't confuse new medics. But there should be more medic slots.
Deaths in Paralake City are frequent, and medics are therefore doing a lot of work. In reality, only one person (maybe two) could fit into an ambulance if they're on a gurney. If a raid was to happen, and officers got major injuries, or shot in the legs, one ambulance, or even two, would not be enough. While this suggestion adds a lot of realism and RP to the server, there are major downsides. In order to allow paramedics to be capable of responding in time and actually save lives, I wish to stay with the current system.
So I am giving this a +support
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Would be an awesome new feature to the medical system and it would give young roleplayers a bit of an experience of what it actually is in real life, as in the old system it is kind of unrealistic as you just revive all the time.

I hope this medical system gets accepted!
What about mass shootings? You'd only be able to save a few.
I like the idea but how long would this kind of thing take to code? Clearly a lot of thought has been put into this suggestion so I trust you thought about this logically.

Right now I want to +Support

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