1. Thanks for having the discussion.
2. I stated I raided you twice, Dai raided you twice. At no stage did I state either individuals raided you more than twice within the hour, furthermore theres nothing in the rules against an Org raiding you more than twice.
3. The situations of RDM; I'm intrigued, if there's ever a time when an org member has done such a thing feel free to report it as I am also heavily against my org members looking like idiots as its also making myself look silly

4. Clumping an entire org into one title and hate train is a bit sad, if you have specific names thats fine but simply stating that we are all bad people due to the actions of what I can only assume is close friends is a shame!
5. I'm open to new rules regarding all things with Orgs, perhaps a raid limit would be good but this may lead to some messy situations.