Why the f*** did you feel the need to make this post? Oh, you got banned? Oh how sad... Seriously, go cry in a corner.
You are not earning anything from making this post, you are only making matters worse.
But lets just go and have a look at your statements shall we?
Ever thought of spending more than a day on the forums before whining about how nobody is taking you seriously? I mean, how the f*** are we supposed to take this seriously at all?!
Ive met tons of freindly people, but i think your problem is about karma. What you throw away is what you get
I believe so... #Seewhatididthere
What do you even mean? Atleast tell us how we can give you a chance instead of making a useless post complaining about how we arent giving any chances
So punching people in an admin sit is nothing? Wow. Did you come right from DarkRP?