Why does perp seem so anti-growth?

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After going through all the trouble trying to clip/upload your demo and write up a big post, all that effort goes to waste as it gets taken down or ignored. And just when you thought that was the end of it, you end up getting warned/banned. #feelsbadman
Sweaters are cute man, if you bully them I’ll !bring you to the hick town lake.

I hope the efforts of staff are noticed with policing toxicity and unwelcoming behaviour, always down to look into things if you can point any fingers.
Clearly this has blown up since I last checked in and although I am not at home rn I'll try and make as much sense as I can while on my phone and respond to some of these. I'll probably write something more comprehensive later.

@Ayjay I haven't been able to be as active as I had hoped to be, finishing school during covid and the time that has followed until now has been rather challenging. I am not using anyone as a scapegoat and have been trying to work with Ethan as much as I can while I've been trying to sort some things out irl.

@John Daymon My recent unavailability has little to do with laziness but yes, our admins have been doing well recently.

@213 I fear you misunderstood my original comment, I am friends with Ethan and have been working with him a lot, I was simply clarifying that the CM rank is not a staff rank. We have been working as a team to combat toxicity as much as we can and have recently looked into alternative solutions (hence communication bans)

@Slick Willy Despite not being available that much, I have been able to come on the server every day for varying amounts of time

Communication bans don’t do much for situations that require player bans. Giving toxic players a slap on the wrist due to having pre established relationships only enable toxic behavior, which results in frustration for the masses.

I don’t know too much about you or your credibility, so I won’t say much. However, that conversation could have been taken elsewhere.

Get your staff together and work the issues out, so that you can address the toxic players effectively. Not on this thread of course.

If you staff members really want change, stop punishing players that bring awareness to the issues the server is facing. You can’t not sound toxic when describing a toxic event/player. Stop punishing players for “creating controversy” or some bullshit like that. I find it kind of ironic with the situation that had happened above.
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Removed my opinion? How is it not beneficial to the conversation it’s a possible explanation as to why perp is anti growth, cronyism, favouritism, people like the orange suits not giving new players a break and getting special treatment. I couldn’t possibly understand why people would be fretful of getting into this server when it’s fraught with problems it’s also full of admins which seem to enjoy this fallacy of power they receive in Garry’s mod and use it to ban people rather than educate people on the rules so they can enjoy the server more. I’m assuming that this will get deleted as well as the admins evidently can’t take any type of criticism and would rather just see what pleases them.
Reducing punishments is something we as a staff team are actively working to do. This is an understated task however as every staff member has their own opinion on the rules and how they should be handled. This is a problem we are aware of and are trying to come together as a team to fix.
Well I’m glad to hear that the admins are working to reduce the handing of punishments out as I think it’s a serious problem and it prevents people from enjoying themselves on the server in case they get banned for something trivial and a lot of admins will figure out a way to enforce some subjective rule as to get a ban/warn usually relishing the first.
I agree to a certain point. I remember getting a one month ban as a brand new player for breaking 3.4 and storing my stuff during a raid. I’m still fairly new to this game, but been here long enough now to know how easy it is to get banned from this server. This has led to extreme hesitation as I’m always thinking whether my actions would be breaking a server rule or not. This hesitation led me to getting killed numerous times. Yes, read the rules. Blah blah blah. Let’s be honest, most people learn through experience by playing the game, not reading every single law of the server.
I agree, new player should be given lighter punishments (warnings, hour bans;not weeks)

For experienced players, especially those known for their toxic behaviors/repeat offenders, should not be given reduced punishments. I have seen these players actually boast about not having to worry about getting in trouble as they have “connections.”
Also find it repulsive when admins are quick to banning and just tell you to make an appeal/dispute on the forums. Most of the time it could easily be solved in-game.
While I know it could cause slightly longer wait times, I think admins should not handle complaints involving themselves or anyone in an organization they take part in. Even if the admin is acting in good faith, it still leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth.
Whenever staff do reports on their friends its usually because no one else is able to handle them.
While I can definitely see that being the case on an f6 in game. If I'm going through the trouble of making an AR forum post then ill gladly wait longer to have a more unbiased admin look at my request instead of it just getting closed out without any way to comment on what the outcome was.
If staff are unable to handle reports which involve their friends, they aren't suitable to be staff. Whilst there's the potential of bias (something we treat very seriously), we trust them to do the job they are assigned fairly. They're staff afterall.
There's a reason why they typically don't allow cops to be jurors. Regardless of whethwe there is actual bias or not, community perception is everything.
I am going to lock this thread.

This thread has not resulted in anything beneficial and is starting a blame game. There is no single entity or person responsible for the server decline. Naming and shaming people you feel responsible, while you may be right, is not the way we will fix the community. I have held the community survey with the goal of finding out opinions that people may not necessarily feel comfortable airing publically.

Clearly, amongst some of the newer players, there are some issues and these need addressed. However, this should not be done by tagging multiple people and giving them abuse. You could be right, however, we have channels and methods of dealing with this properly. We have action requests, staff complaints, the report menu in-game and other such informal methods such as direct messaging me, the senior administration team and members of the administration team.

I cannot speak for the others in the staff team (however, if you also wish to extend this offer please comment) but I will publically extend an invitation to any member of the community to come onto Teamspeak or Discord and have a conversation with me where I will tell you what I plan to do to solve these issues. I have seen at least three issues mentioned in this thread which are already being discussed behind the scenes and have steps in place to resolve.

TL : DR:

-Name and shame unproductive
-Speak to me directly and I will do my best to fix your issues.
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