Why does perp seem so anti-growth?

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I have literally seen on multiple occasions senior players saying in /OOC that they hate this boom, all these new sweaters etc. Why do you hate that your server has boomed???

Like, sure us new people are annoying and still learning shit, but new players = new revenue for the server.
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Astakos is not the problem anymore <3
Yeah we have been putting in ARs and F6s. We have done it quite a few times and the one time someone actually got a talking to, the next time we logged in. They met us at the parking garage and 3-4 of them chased us around for 15-20 minutes crashing into us and trying to push our car off the bridge for no in game reason. We reported that too, with the demo. Nothing was done and the AR was closed They weren't even spoken to about excessive negativity at the least.
can you please elaborate? You are a around 7 man org who constantly talk shit in ooc, furthermore you raid us? with bombs as well, the matter of the fact is I don't understand how you are singling me out?
oneils/olsens mainly. rest of the big orgs just seem less toxic. sure they raid us too but its always met with, "gg" or "hey you should fix this about your defense" etc. Friendly pvp, no harassment, no toxicity.
@Trey Limes You guy's raid me constantly? I always say gg and never flame about it... I am seeing this as slander tbh. Just because you're new doesn't mean you get to sit in a base for 18 hours a day power growing with no risk
@Kempotent because you and @Dapsas are the one constantly attempting to extort new players. We have only recently, from this post mainly been growing in numbers. People of tired of the toxic way yall play and have been joining us to attempt to stay on the server.
@Trey Limes Both of those orgs are the ones that post GGs in chat (oneils and the orange guys) so I really don't get where that's coming from. Furthermore from what I read and heard from both sides this seems like a rant about why you guys should not get raided for being new (or at least that's what I'm getting from Slick Willys posts so far).
@Slick Willy How? can i please get an example of this because this is literally slander, dapsas is my org member yeah but how does this connect us? you are also an org, you guys win a lot of the raids this is really sad you are trying to put shit on my name just because you dislike me. Grow up
@Slick Willy LMAO! My game crashed earlier today. Somehow DAPSAS (Fappino Slaughter) knew and bought P4 (the apt I owned before I crashed). He killed everyone inside, took the drugs, and then sold the apt. All this happened within 3-5 minutes. I tried explaining to him what had happened, but he obviously gave no fucks. Maybe he just got lucky, but it seems like he's getting lucky too often. Multiple times have I planted drugs in the middle of nowhere. I made sure no one was following me, and even parked my car far away and foot traveled through the woods. Guess who always showed up when my drugs were about to be ready?
@Kempotent You can see it as whatever you want, doesn't make it true. We have the evidence and people obviously agree that what you and @dapsare doing is wrong. Sure, you got hit today a lot. Like I replied before, we have been growing in numbers from this post with people who dont like yall. This post isn't about how we got raided or how long we can grow without risk. Its about how the toxic way you play makes people not enjoy the game and leave.
@Kempotent We are a 7 man org (and rapidly growing) because we recruit all the new players, so they don't get raided nonstop alone. We also provide them with guns, craft them planters, give tips, etc. Don't let our black suits fool you because a lot of my org members are sweaters.

M.I.B. **We are the Men in Black**
Recruiting non-toxic players/new players who are chill and actually RP instead of making the lives of new players miserable.
@Kempotent you and @Dapsas literally would find us at city hall after we died and tell us "we either needed to start paying $30k per person protection or you wouldn't let us do anything." You can keep throwing slander around but we have a history of ARs that prove what we are saying.
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