Windows 10 Pictures and Videos acting weird.

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So as of recently, something odd started happening with my stuff on my PC.

Whenever I click to open a video, it says the pack can't be installed cause windows firewall isn't running but I can open pictures fine, but the preview doesn't show any of the pictures like it used to like 5 days ago.

Yes, I do have Firewall turned off because it is honestly a bunch of crap that takes 50% of my CPU and no I don't have any malware, I've run 3 different malware programs, including malwarebytes, nothing. Anyone knows why this is happening or do I just have to endure the terrible firewall?

Example of how my Pictures-Folder looks:
fuckin windows 10 again, downgrade to 7 its way better :)
i can agree but if i want to have 240 hz it will have a fuck ton of problems, and sooner or later nvidia will stop supporting it
or even 2 monitors, windows 10 is much better now cuz i read somewhere that it increases game performance by 70% but im not sure about it myself.
See, now the weird things happens:

Today there is no problem. I can see previews, I can open videos and its like nothing happened. But sometimes it randomly doesnt work.
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