Working on pissing of teachers.

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Gonna see how many teachers piss me off to the point I work on pissing them off. So far I got 2 teachers. Plus might get put into isolation or suspended today.
No real intent, but if you piss me off, I will make your life hell. And there possible suspended bit, that will be sorted today when I told a teacher to "fuck off" and that she was a "bitch".
Be careful what you claim about yourself; the community's members can be savage and vicious - to the point where someone will insult you heavily for this as it could seem as an attention grab or what-not. Sorry if this all seems negative but I am just trying to help.
No real intent, but if you piss me off, I will make your life hell.

You're an idiot. Why would you intentionally try to piss the people off who are there to and basically spend their life marking your work and trying to help you out and get somewhere in life? With this if you piss me off attitude bs you probably won't get far in life. God I'd love to see your reaction when you get a shit manager at work or something who pisses you off then you "make his life hell" :laughcry:
Don't be upset when you get shit grades. This is stupid as much as you may hate a teacher they are there to get you an education and grades.
"He a savage" like the ones in Beyond Scared Straight, the ones that cry when they are under pressure
That's a bit stupid. Although hopefully you will grow up in year 11 and realise actually teachers give a shit, like most kids do.
This is something you would expect from a primary school student who got put on the naughty step while the other kids were playing with the skipping ropes.

If this is your attitude I understand why teachers might 'piss you off' but you are the problem, not them. They are there to help and you are throwing it away.

Tl;dr grow up
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