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Parts Unknown
Your Steam/In-game Name: Slayerduck / Joe Baggers
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [ZombZ.org] Xhantium * Tuborg.d /Xhantium Harper
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:21957724
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
2.5, leaving during a raid?

We had a call about a medic needed at hungaries so i responded, as i arrived there was a guy in cuffs and as soon as we walk down the steps we get executed, i have no idea as of why the man was in cuffs. Then later after my dead/NLR expired swat was there raiding them, i responded again and the swat got killed just seconds before i arrive. We get into a gunfight and right after the gunfight ended everybody that was involved just quits, i couldn't get DNA off any of them because they all left including Xhantium who took his MP5 with him. I feel like this has been some very poor roleplay and they should at least let us raid the place before they quit. Xhantium bought the hungaries property.

Gunned down
Everybody leaving:
MP5 poof

The people who left are Xhantium, Garo and Robin Ljungberg
Clearly the evidence shows that they all disconnected i dont understand why you was walking to the restrant and they just pull out a gun and try to kill you.

It also shows that he left due to the fact it was owned the first time then when you go though the door its for sale so in my eyes these should be punished for 6.5 disconnecting in a rp sit.
Clearly shows them, just leaving once they dont feel like they want to be there anymore. The cops had 0% chance of confiscating those weapons.
They should really have waited longer before leaving like that, since it kinda ruins the RP for the cops.

Let me explain my part here.
Claims of 6.5
To be fair it was like 3AM in the night, and I generally feel i waited a long time before I disconnected and I was very tired so I just wanted to go sleep, further more I actually asked my friends who was in hungriges if it was okay I left to go bed and I was told it was okay to leave so i left.

Claims of 2.5
I dont really see how this is broken? But if im correct your talking about when I gunned you both down? (correct me if I'm wrong)
So Garo had escaped prison twice.. so he would go to prison for a long time if caught again.
So when you guys arrived while i was removing his cuffs he immdiality got into risk of going to jail for a long time.
So instead of risking that I decided to pull out my gun to gunpoint your both, where the first officer behind you responded with pulling his gun out (3.4??) and I replied with killing him.
So you were left still talking on your phone(wtf why would you do that while being gunpointed) so I asked you to take it down and you just kept talking in it as you can clearly see in video so I was afraid of you calling back-up so i decided to shoot you a few times to show that I'm not messing around where you then responded with running off so I finished you off.
i got to say the same as Xhantium... I was legit really tired, and i waited for a while after i got killed because i don't really wanted to leave if there was a medic on the way, but it seemed like there wasen't and i even said in OOC guys, ''ok if i leave because im really tired and i have to go'' Like if you guys didn't get my gun, (But i really think you did, because i wanted for a minute(s) or so.) I can give it to you.. Like i didn't mean to cause any harm or make you guys angry, as i said i even asked if i could leave but no one answerd me... So i waited for a while to see if you guys would revive me or not and you didn't so i left.

EDIT: And your video where it says ''Shitty'' RP you had your phone up all the time when he had the gun pointed at you, and we didn't know if you called for your officers or what, next time just drop the phone when asked please.
It being 3AM doesn't mean you can just disconnect during an RP situation, and i don't see how asking your friends who also disconnected just minutes after they were gunned down helps.

I had no idea what he was restrained for or what was going on, nobody called any missing/escaped criminals in.
When you gunned down my officer right in front of me i was a bit shocked and speechless tbh, then when you asked me to put down my phone you absolutely gave me no time to do so. If you listen to yourself scream you hear me say 'i gotta hang up' while i put my phone down at the same time you just started gunning me down.
I agree to this. It was wrong to disconnect that early, even when they asked if it was ok. They got no answer because the RP sit was still going on, and should have waited untill respawn atleast. Tired or not, it is their fault for doing criminal stuff that late at night.
Xhantium, you say you disconnected because you were tired, but in my opinion it was your fault for even shooting a cop so late if you were tired and knew you would probably have to disconnect. I don't think Robin affected the RP too seriously though since you had already confiscated his gun. Overall, I +support this AR.
+Support When i was watching the videos the thing that came to my attention is that they did not give you a chance to follow any of there orders in the first video.Although, you did have your phone out you had it out before you even new the situation was going to happen. If he thought you were telling people by the phone then fair enough but he didn't seem to want to pay attention to what you we're doing on the phone and continued to kill you and your friend without having any reason. I don't think its bad RP i think it's just a situation that he didn't know what you we're doing whilst using the phone. On to my next point, He was on black screen and disconnected this is allowed but why would he disconnect. Xhantium may have been busy in real life but he should have thought about that before starting a gun fight. I have to agree with SlayerDuck you didn't give the police a chance to RP the crime scene and confiscate the remaining weapons. Also, you could have just had a quick look when respawned to see if it was cleared up then disconnect.
-Tom Henderson
FYI Garo was restrained because he punched someone at PD, he then proceeded to run away while the officer was typing up his ticket. So you murdered the LT and multiple cops over a ticket.
at 0:35 you picked up a weapon even though you didn't secure the scene, hence you're breaking 4.14

I'll go
dont cry
On the AR.

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You risked your own life by not dropping your phone after getting told to several times with weapons pointed directly at your head
I'm just going to state my opinion here.
The killing of the cops is completely unnecessary, as you can see later on it resulted in the death of them.
Disconnecting cus' it's 3am is no excuse whatsoever.
But it's not me dealing with this AR.
Let me explain my part here.
Claims of 6.5
To be fair it was like 3AM in the night, and I generally feel i waited a long time before I disconnected and I was very tired so I just wanted to go sleep, further more I actually asked my friends who was in hungriges if it was okay I left to go bed and I was told it was okay to leave so i left.

Claims of 2.5
I dont really see how this is broken? But if im correct your talking about when I gunned you both down? (correct me if I'm wrong)
So Garo had escaped prison twice.. so he would go to prison for a long time if caught again.
So when you guys arrived while i was removing his cuffs he immdiality got into risk of going to jail for a long time.
So instead of risking that I decided to pull out my gun to gunpoint your both, where the first officer behind you responded with pulling his gun out (3.4??) and I replied with killing him.
So you were left still talking on your phone(wtf why would you do that while being gunpointed) so I asked you to take it down and you just kept talking in it as you can clearly see in video so I was afraid of you calling back-up so i decided to shoot you a few times to show that I'm not messing around where you then responded with running off so I finished you off.
i got to say the same as Xhantium... I was legit really tired, and i waited for a while after i got killed because i don't really wanted to leave if there was a medic on the way, but it seemed like there wasen't and i even said in OOC guys, ''ok if i leave because im really tired and i have to go'' Like if you guys didn't get my gun, (But i really think you did, because i wanted for a minute(s) or so.) I can give it to you.. Like i didn't mean to cause any harm or make you guys angry, as i said i even asked if i could leave but no one answerd me... So i waited for a while to see if you guys would revive me or not and you didn't so i left.

EDIT: And your video where it says ''Shitty'' RP you had your phone up all the time when he had the gun pointed at you, and we didn't know if you called for your officers or what, next time just drop the phone when asked please.

Let's be honest here, these are bullshit reasons to leave, I would understand if you left cus your brother was dying or something but because it was that late? Why were you even playing if you wanted to leave in the first place? And if you're asking your friends if it's okay at hungriges does not mean that you can leave. I would rather just wait the time out, go to jail and then leave. And you cannot just expect them to accept you leaving as you never got an answer in OOC. You're the one in the wrong here for leaving.
+SUPPORT i got banned for the same thing even though i thought i DC'd after a reasonable time i still got banned
As @Robin Ljungberg stated even in the video.

I can confirm it was about 12AM-2AM in the night. I were up that late but went to bed at 12. They purchased hungries and decided to base there for a while.


They need sleep, and so do you.
Robin asked if it was okay to leave, he received no reply. And i assume after he respawned he assumed it was ok.

Also, as a side note. Never confiscate weapons which haven't been officially secured by paralake officers.
You had no clue what was inside or if someone were still left.
Yes, they probably broke 2.5 (but I also think it was a misunderstanding as they probably thought it was fine to leave after they respawned).

Also, you broke 3.4 by not hanging up instantly on the phone while under gunpoint you also broke 2.1 as you said "Yo, I have to hang up" instead of just hanging up while under gunpoint is unrealistic in my opinion.

Accepted, the reasons for the killings are completely unnecessary and aswell leaving due to the time irl is something you cannot blame it on. User will be banned for breaking 2.5 and leaving in an RP sit
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