Yeke's enforcer application Revision: What number am I on now?

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The Death Star
STEAM NAME: Genesis Yeke

IN-GAME NAME: Owen Platypus

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:42955370

AGE: 18 (19 on the 14th woo)

COUNTRY: United Kingdom


I would like to be an enforcer as I have wanted to assist the staff team in their daily duties and give the players someone who will listen to their issues and find out a fair resolution for all. I am calm and level headed with everyone and give them a fair chance to explain rather than starting a feud.

For the entirety of the time I have played on Perpheads from being a Sweater and idiot to someone who understands the rules and functionality of the gamemode, I have looked up to the staff team for assistance when needed and I can certainly say most my times I hardly see rule-breaks (I am a lucky one) I usually like to help people such as with PLPD issues and helping them understand the rules, I have spent time teaching new players the ways of PERP and I have spent my time with the new cops teaching them how to do their duties correctly, I enjoy helping people enjoy their experience and one thing I love to do is teach people the correct way and give them a chance to correct their errors rather than throw the book on them (obviously if they dont care about correcting actions will be taken).

I believe I would make an excellent candidate however it is up to the community and S.A.T to decide if I am worthy of the position of Enforcer, if I am lucky enough to get the chance, I will not let you down!

Qualities I posses;

  • Assertive

  • Open-minded

  • Understanding

  • Compassionate

  • Calm

  • Autocratic in situations that need it

  • I say how i feel and I am not afraid to speak my mind
  • Friendly
  • Approachable by new and current members
About me:

I am Owen Harries, an 18 Y/O IT Technician for a High-School for which the name I cannot disclose, I deal with queries from teachers, students and in the half-term dates I find ways to improve the infrastructure so that students can have better IT systems ect.

Personally I like to see myself as a humorous laid back guy but yet I know when to get serious, I am a well mannered person who enjoys to spend his time explaining to others, I also believe that I have initiative to think of new ways to help/create new ideas for RP ect.

What is my main enjoyment in PERPHeads:

Currently my enjoyment is spending time on duty as a Police Officer (WAS Sergeant now CPL) patrolling in my SUV -No longer :(- (which everyone hates to see for some reason) however I am a fair person yet a "take no shit" officer which I believe earns respect of a few officers as they love to patrol with me (or just for commendations no one will ever know)

Current involvement in PERPHeads:

WAS a Sergeant of PLPD now a SO - Currently I was trusted with the Rank of Sergeant within the PLPD however I made a fuckup which I regret, however I am grateful that I got reinstated as an SO and not made to be a PO for as I spend my time now assisting in queries and training other officers when they ask for it, I enjoy my position and am grateful for the command team for allowing me this position

PLPD Drug Rehabilitation Team Leader - This is a team that was created by me a while back whilst on patrol with @Jordan (if he remembers it) where we would offer drug users a reduced sentence if they watched an educational clip.

Forum Browser - I tend to browse the forums helping out where needed and providing assistance to users where I can.

Created the HOPEFUL new trend each year of the Easter Egg Hunt (or gift hunt)









My Warning Record:


My Ban record:


Yes I am, I am usually in the Private Channel or the Police Lounge


  1. Your time played on the server must be at least one week. - Have 3 Weeks in the server

  2. No recent bans and warnings on record for at least a period of a month, this includes both the forums and the server. I have not been in trouble since last month.

  3. You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can Enforce them. - I believe I have enough knowledge of the Laws and Rules of the server to enforce them.

  4. You must have access to and use a microphone. - I have a microphone

  5. You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server - I maintain an active presence in the TS3 server in the Private Channels or the Police Channels

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY: Thank-you for reading my application, please before "disagreeing" ect please provide reasoning so I know how to improve on the future, I hope that the SMT will believe in giving me a chance to prove myself and I promise I won't disappoint!

Kind Regards

Extra - PM me if you think you know it (NO USING A SUBNET CALCULATOR!)

What is the Subnet mask of:
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United Kingdom
You have a warning that is only just from a month ago, and it seems like you went through a little phase of not following the rules. I haven't seen signs of improvement and can only assume you'll do the same again.

that is why i rate disagree/ minus support this application.

prove me wrong and ill agree since apart from that i think ur a nice guy.
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