Description of the idea: Change FF to have CPR (slows down death timer). It will NOT revive. It just slows down the death timer. My suggestion is to change it so if someone does CPR to a body after it falls unconscious it slows the time down. Suggested 25-50% reduction in timer count while being done.
The way it will work is that the FF has the CPR tool and will click on a body and it keeps them doing CPR. They can speak, they can't move, they can radio, they can't type, it just makes them sit there and says CPR In Progress on the screen. No timer shown, no nothing. They don't know how long it keeps them alive just that it is keeping them alive LONGER. If they stop then the timer resumes like normal (meaning if they only do cpr for half of their unconscious time they only get a half time extension of course).
The rules/SOP's will have to be changed for this because every-time I try to RP going to medicals for aid and RP CPR i get yelled at so currently it's not allowed. Even tho when I'm there the people who are ok with it are usually pretty chill with it or in fact like it. Kinda sucks not being able to RP properly.
No restructuring FD, no massive game changing changes, Nothing. Just one simple change. One simple addition to try and make a job not useless anymore. I have been playing since 2015 and this job is still as neglected as then.
Why should this be added? (pros):
- Makes the useless job and one I enjoy as I do it irl, more interesting and so people will actually do it instead of just using it to clean up fire in their base.
- Medics are slow, they're busy, it buys someone time. It gives them time to be revived. That friend you love might make it back alive.
- The duration might be annoying being life extended but it's better than when you factor NLR in.
- CPR isn't necessarily that hard and generally what the EMT's at my fire station said is it just keeps them going until they can arrive on scene.
What negatives could this have? (cons):
- You have to actually code.
- Could be OP, hence why I suggest the an edit to it.
- People might get mad about life extended, but last I checked you're supposed to fear for your life and preserve it in most instances.
- Might make it easier to revive cops during raids, however medics aren't supposed to revive until the raid is over so this shouldn't be a problem.
*Other additions:
- Random chance to have rib cracking sound when doing it. My EMT's said its pretty much inevitably. Don't make it happen but like you can't go your life without it happening a few times.
If CPR isn't accepted at-least accept changing it so FF can respond to medical calls. Why give them bandages and a first aid kit if all they do is get yelled at every-time they try to use them? Yes we have medics for a reason but the Medic cant do everything. If medic is busy at call A and call B needs healing then why not let them go?
The way it will work is that the FF has the CPR tool and will click on a body and it keeps them doing CPR. They can speak, they can't move, they can radio, they can't type, it just makes them sit there and says CPR In Progress on the screen. No timer shown, no nothing. They don't know how long it keeps them alive just that it is keeping them alive LONGER. If they stop then the timer resumes like normal (meaning if they only do cpr for half of their unconscious time they only get a half time extension of course).
The rules/SOP's will have to be changed for this because every-time I try to RP going to medicals for aid and RP CPR i get yelled at so currently it's not allowed. Even tho when I'm there the people who are ok with it are usually pretty chill with it or in fact like it. Kinda sucks not being able to RP properly.
No restructuring FD, no massive game changing changes, Nothing. Just one simple change. One simple addition to try and make a job not useless anymore. I have been playing since 2015 and this job is still as neglected as then.
Why should this be added? (pros):
- Makes the useless job and one I enjoy as I do it irl, more interesting and so people will actually do it instead of just using it to clean up fire in their base.
- Medics are slow, they're busy, it buys someone time. It gives them time to be revived. That friend you love might make it back alive.
- The duration might be annoying being life extended but it's better than when you factor NLR in.
- CPR isn't necessarily that hard and generally what the EMT's at my fire station said is it just keeps them going until they can arrive on scene.
What negatives could this have? (cons):
- You have to actually code.
- Could be OP, hence why I suggest the an edit to it.
- People might get mad about life extended, but last I checked you're supposed to fear for your life and preserve it in most instances.
- Might make it easier to revive cops during raids, however medics aren't supposed to revive until the raid is over so this shouldn't be a problem.
*Other additions:
- Random chance to have rib cracking sound when doing it. My EMT's said its pretty much inevitably. Don't make it happen but like you can't go your life without it happening a few times.

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