Perpheads Forums

PERPHeads Community Awards 2018 - Results

  • 13,478
  • 106

After a week of voting, the community awards this year has come to a close. I'd like to personally thank everyone for taking part for the past five years, and I hope you can join us next year for a bigger and better community awards.

Here are your winners for 2018:


Funniest Member


Most Creative


Biggest Troll


Most Helpful

Friendliest Player

PERPHeads Community Awards 2018

  • 12,865
  • 113


Oh hey, has it really been a whole year since the last awards?

Yes, it's that time of year again, the fifth annual community awards, it's time to vote for most notable players of the year!
Over the course of the year we've seen a bunch of people join us, leave us and every single player has made an impact on the server.

Announcements & Updates:
Xenforo 2
Drug System Update
Event System
TV Update
Katana Update...

Update Log - 10/12/2018

  • 5,070
  • 34
Update Log - 10/12/2018

The following changes should go live tomorrow morning.
  • The bank vault restocks slightly faster
  • Added a couple of new tools for staff
  • Removed the old dispatcher exam
  • Police are now only allowed to take the pots and water from planter boxes
  • The Car Dealership now asks for confirmation before you sell your vehicle
  • Buffed first aid and repair skills slightly
  • Civilians can now use their bandages directly on other players
  • When there is a firefighter on duty, fires may randomly occur in abandoned locations
  • Fixed the fractions of dollars being handed out after bank robberies
  • Fixed various problems with 911 calls and smoke alarms
  • Fixed players being very slow when being dragged are being tasered or revived
  • Fixed some bullet hits not being correctly classified as headshots
  • Fixed cop slots changing to 8 briefly after the Mayor...

Update Log - 26/11/2018

  • 5,189
  • 33
Update Log - 26/11/2018
There will be a significant update tomorrow morning, mainly focused around helping various aspects of the server stay balanced at all levels of activity. While I'm not going to go into detail on all of the numbers that we have chosen, then general approach is to aim for low risk resulting in low reward and high risk resulting in high reward if successful. As we have only been able to test balance settings on spreadsheets, once these changes have been live for a while we can tweak them if we receive detailed and constructive criticism on how fair and balanced they are.
  • Added another radio station
  • Added a new event
  • Added a /call command to speak to people you are on the phone with
  • Stopped adverts being anonymous
  • Improved how the Mayor Election runs
  • Mayor can now adjust the Road Crew salary and job slots
  • Mayor can now pay Medics and...

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