Perpheads Forums

Update Log - 26/05/2019

  • 9,928
  • 82
Update Log - 26/05/2019

As some of you may have noticed, an updated went live earlier today. Here are the changes:
  • Added new "Raid" events
  • Notifications are rendered over all UI, so that they are visible when your phone is out
  • When your gun is not in passive mode and standing next to a vehicle, you do not change to keys when changing firemode
  • Dispatcher Office doors can be locked
  • Wrenches can be used to repair non-disabled cars
  • Removed hold animation for chemical tables
  • Shop items can be purchased when the owner is far away
  • Taking a gun out of passive stops the dragging animation
  • Added chemical table spawn locations to Puffer Mart
  • New players now receive some core items when joining for the first time
  • Lowered mini cooper price by $10k
  • Garbage bags can no longer be spawned as props
  • Disabled physgun for dropped items and explosives...

Community Discussion - What do you want?

  • 50,728
  • 521


Community Discussion - What do you want?
A lack of discussion between the staff team and the community has been apparent for a long time now, it's important that we get your input on the prevalent issues
and concerns that you all have so we can work toward fixing these. This thread will be an opportunity for Senior Administration to respond to your questions and queries.

I hope this thread can generate some positive discussion, and won't turn into a massive bitch-fest. We really want to see what you guys want, so I do ask that you remain
respectful and dignified when posting here.

For housekeeping sake, can we try keep the topic of this thread around these main issues:

  • Gameplay Suggestions & Discussion
  • Rules Discussion (including enforcement)
  • In-Game Organisations
  • Paralake Police Department
  • Staff Team

@TinySlayer and I will do our...

Update Log - 22/04/2019

  • 5,995
  • 43
Update Log - 22/04/2019

There have been a few updates in the past couple of months, but I didn't get around to write an update log for any of them, and they were all relatively small on their own.

  • Added OOC timeouts
  • Improved the report menu
  • Improved how fire looks with smoke
  • Improved how fire gives money to firefighters
  • Consent cannot be refused when being searched in the jail
  • Fixed taxi driver spawn points
  • Fixed actions being cancelled when typing 'c' in chat
  • Fixed chemical table explosions
  • Fixed certain items not burning properly
  • Fixed the piano crashing players
  • Optimised serverside voice chat code when there are lots of players online
  • Blocked keybinds running when typing in console
  • You can now dry 3 cocaine leaves on one cooker at the same time
  • Rules around bank robbery are now self-enforcing...

SERVER EVENTS: 06/04/2019

  • 7,621
  • 62

06/04/2019 - SERVER EVENTS
These events will take place on Saturday.

Short notice, but due to the servers high population of recent we thought we'd give you some events this weekend.

Just like the much-loved Parker Raid, one team will spawn inside a base (farm) and have a basic defence.
The attacking team will be tasked with raiding the farm, and killing all individuals inside.



PRIZE: $25,000 per winner (of winning team)

Parker raid is simple. Two teams fight to the death in a giant raid on the Parker and Glass Co buildings.
The defending team will be given a basic defence and a gun, the attacking team will be tasked...

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