Perpheads Forums

Changes to administration - 29/04/2018

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Hi everyone,​

Today the staff team had a full meeting to discuss matters the community wanted dealing with, aswell as other's we felt had to be changed. Below they'll be listed, we hope you're happy with the changes, of course if you have any concerns or queries let us know, have a good day everyone.

  • Construction booklet has been removed for the time being, it will stay in the F1 menu however user's are free to ignore this entirely.
  • 2.5 has been reworded and slightly changed, take a look.
  • 3.8 has been adjusted.
  • 3.10 has had the booklet reference removed.
  • 4.8 has been edited, take a look.
  • Bans - Any user who has been banned longer than a period of 6 months, who hasn't been toxic, cheated, ddos'd or negatively impacted the server in a large way, has been unbanned. We realised that a lot of staff were simply placing users on a permanent ban for simply jumping off...

Server Events - 28/04/2018

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Server Events: 28/04/2018 - Saturday 4PM GMT +0


: 4:00PM

EVENT: Mike Myers

Winner(s): GGgames

Prize: Last person alive receives '$75.000'

Description: Mike Myers is located in the forest. One player will be armed with a knife and will have unlimited stamina. The rest of the players have to run, hide and hope for the best

TIME: 5:00PM

EVENT: Suburbs Team Deathmatch

Winner(s): TBD

Prize: The surviving participants on the winning team receive '$50,000' each

Description: Suburbs Deathmatch is located at the Suburban District believe it or not, there are 2 teams and everyone is given a Primary and a Secondary weapon, along with some miscellaneous items, like a bandage or two. The two teams are placed on separate sides of the Suburbs and when they are signaled to go, they will begin...​

Update Log - 10/03/2018

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Today's update is a big one and it touches something that hasn't really changed since the very release of Perpheads: Drugs, specifically the planted ones, i.e. Marijuana and Cocaine.

We completely revamped the current system while trying not to overwhelm the community with a very hard to use system.

The changes include:

  • Single pots lose their ability to grow drugs in; they are now merely a container to be used in bigger planter boxes. The model has also been updated to match a real planting pot
  • The big pots have been repurposed into basic planter boxes
    • Basic planters are supposed to give everyone a growing experience that closely resembles the way it was before.
    • Instead of...

Rule Changes - 27/02/2018

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Hi everyone, earlier on today the staff team brought up all their concerns regarding rules and changes have been made. These rules are now added and in full effect so be sure to check them out to gain a full understanding of them. If you have any concerns then contact either me or bolli and we will review them as soon as possible!

  • Rule 3.3 - Realistic actions - Furthermore, players should take great care whilst climbing. Players should not attempt to boost people onto buildings or structures, nor should they climb onto objects which realistically would not hold their weight.<Addition

  • Rule 3.20 - Disconnecting from the server - Players should also wait at least 10 minutes prior to leaving the server after committing a crime; this does not apply if the crime has been resolved (player has been arrested / caught for this crime). <Addition...

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