Perpheads Forums

24-08-2016 Update log

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Here's one of the updates you've all been looking for! FPS boost!

Overall your FPS should about double* it seems in most cases. You can access this by pressing F1 -> Options ->

*Depends on your own personal hardware and what else you may have running

Granted you could use this command before, but to anyone who used it already they quickly realized it had drawbacks. Originally it made clothing flicker like mad, but the GMod devs changed it some awhile back but it still turned everyone's clothing to pure white. This was still less than ideal for trying to track down someone specific. After much thought of how to do this properly, @Fredy and I have created a way which should allow all colors to remain. You will not lose any clothing or metals for your vehicle and can still customize to your heart's desire. We may even be able to add some more things that previously we were limited to doing, and no change...

15-08-2016 Update log

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Some of you may be aware that since release we have been using the Evolve Admin Mod since our initial release. While it has sufficed, it was less than ideal in a number of ways it operated both front end and back end. So we have created a whole new admin system which should hopefully allow our staff team to help effectively serve you if you have a valid report. We have titled this Super Cool Admin Mod, or SCAM for short, for the lulz.

What does this mean for you as a regular user? Other than using /report not a great deal; you may notice a few changes here and there otherwise but nothing game changing.

So here's the new stuff with /report...

In your F1 Key Bindings you have a new option to bind (default is F6) to open up the reports window which will show your past reports from your current session.

You can either create a report here by pressing the create button or typing in chat like normal...

PH:GO Summer 2016 - Stream Information & Timetables!

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Fancy watching it with mates and :hype:?
There will be a 'fan park' at the Suburbs Park

to watch matches ingame, but of course
anyone can play the stream on a TV ingame.


IMPORTANT: To watch ingame, follow this guide
to fix TV livestreams.

Casting Team

03-08-2016 Update log

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Hopefully this update addresses some crashing people had while loading car dealer or any other car related window. This also eliminates the annoying audio while it loads all the car models.

  • Overall better looking GUI skin which makes EVERYTHING better (more colors potentially on the way) (can change in F1 menu)
    • 537349983f.png
    • e974defed6.png
  • Car Related windows (you can click and drag side to side to rotate the car around)
    • e79f299ca2.jpg
    • df8524b898.jpg
    • ae58075971.jpg
    • 3906c286b7.jpg
  • Night times hopefully not nearly as dark...

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