AR Victoria Rammusan

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Reaction score
Edinburgh, Scotland
Your Steam/In-game Name: Matt - Matt Douglas
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ☢Delta_Force_DK☢ - Victoria Rasmussen
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56051799
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Because for some reason, as a cop decided to drive on the complete wrong side of the road, and because of this hit my car, I had also crashed into the wall due to lag, excuse that part there. She also pulled me over for doing an Illegal U Turn after that, which is true I did. Someone pulled her up about driving on the wrong side of the road later, (Frankie Coco), but she just completely ignored him. Also thanks to @Appricey for bringing to my attention she didn't have headlights on either.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A
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After reviwing the evidence provided it is clear that the user was driving on the wrong side of the highway breaking the rules

Rule 3.22:Highway driving:
User didn't seem to have a very good reason for driving on the highway in the first place breaking this rule.

Also i would like to bring to attention that the user did not appear to be using headlights at the time i am not to sure but if that is so the rule 4.1 has been broken.

Regards appricey
Also i would like to bring to attention that the user did not appear to be using headlights at the time i am not to sure but if that is so the rule 4.1 has been broken.

The user did have headlights on. However in demos they dont appear lit in the front of the car. And if you look infront of Victorias cruiser, you can see the ground being illuminated from her headlights.

And also if Victoria would please care to explain her motives for driving on the wrong side of the highway would be greatly appreciated before jumping to conclusions.
3.22 Highway Driving- Players should at all times drive on the correct side of the highway and should not perform unrealistic
maneuvers while driving along the highway, for example performing a U-turn

He broke a rule. But so did you. Id say leave it here or else this will turn into a bloodbath

He broke 3.22 by driving on the wrong side of the road on the highway. But I would like to know why he did that in first place. I don't think that Matt should be punished for 3.22 as he accidentally drove to the left, being then on the wrong side of the road, then attempted to get back on the right side of the road. Overall a +support from me, but still would like to know why ☢Delta_Force_DK☢ drove on the wrong side of the road.

The user was obviously in a pursuit which ended up with him going on the other side by mistake.
You however will be warned for 3.22 for your u-turns
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