More Drugs

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Zagreb, Croatia
Short explanation (in notes)
-more kinds of drugs to be added.
-for example: BHO (Butane Hash/Honey Oil): One batch ~20 marijuana + gas can+ heat source needed to craft in the F4 menu and the player gets 20 BHO which's value is increased by 250 $ or so. Next: MDMA (extasy): one batch ~ 40 cocaine + iodine + water + water source needed to craft in the F4 menu and the player gets extasy bags which's value is increased by 250$. Next: Heroin and Morphine: Heroine flowers could he found in the forest and harvested (1 flower=1heroin), then in the F4 menu with the help of Iodine and a stove can be crafted to Heroin which would for arround 200$ a piece. But if you want more profit you can convert that heroin into morphine using water and a stove which's value increases by 150 dollars of that from heroin.
And last LSD: 5 shrooms with the help of beer and a stove gets crafted into LSD which sell 250$ more than shrooms.
-when crafting BHO there is a chance of the stove to catch fire and the marinuana to be burned and become useless.
-when making MDMA theres a random chance of the process failing, so ni MDMA and no coco.
-heroin gets respawned 15 mins after being picked up.

Detailed descriotion (why it should be added ) I think that getting more drugs in Perpheads would add to the realism of everyday life in PH. We wouldnt just have the 4 dull drugs out of which mostly marijuana and coke are the most grown and sold. It would add more varioty to drug making and distributing.

If there are ANY grammar mistakes sorry for "bad london".
Okay, you can't have this be a blatant crafting thing, because then everyone will just craft their drugs with a couple things, however if you make it another process, (like meth being placed on a stove for a while) then I think this would work. Also, for the heroin flowers, that seems too easy to procure for the value, possibly another much more expensive seed from the DD that grows the flowers? Anyway, that's my opinion on it. neutral
We've had soo many suggestion for more drugs. If you can use the search bar on the top right of your screen before you make another suggestion that would be great.

Cruse / Caine
Okay, you can't have this be a blatant crafting thing, because then everyone will just craft their drugs with a couple things, however if you make it another process, (like meth being placed on a stove for a while) then I think this would work. Also, for the heroin flowers, that seems too easy to procure for the value, possibly another much more expensive seed from the DD that grows the flowers? Anyway, that's my opinion on it. neutral
Good idea, we could have expensive seeds for heroine at te DD, good sugfestion.
Don't see why this should be added honestly.
It's fine with more variety for criminals to make money other than grow or raid. However what you're suggesting would just be adding more of the same.
And crafting drugs through the f4 menu isn't really exciting gameplay either.
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add to the realism


I personally think that the 3 types of drugs that we have are sufficient, to be honest I don't want to have to buy syringes, foil and spoons to make my black tar heroin. Honestly, I think the way it is now (Two types and a unique one) is ideal because it has a small variation.

It would be cool if instead of HAVING to have 2/2 pots of each, if you could have 4 of one and 0 of another or 3/1 etc. In my opinion it would allow users to mix and match what they want, but that one is worth less or yields less.

I personally think that the 3 types of drugs that we have are sufficient, to be honest I don't want to have to buy syringes, foil and spoons to make my black tar heroin. Honestly, I think the way it is now (Two types and a unique one) is ideal because it has a small variation.

It would be cool if instead of HAVING to have 2/2 pots of each, if you could have 4 of one and 0 of another or 3/1 etc. In my opinion it would allow users to mix and match what they want, but that one is worth less or yields less.
Your comment abour black tar heroin was such lol
I think adding more reskins would be a waste of time, however if there is a completely new way for making that drug that would be good. Also, if any we should add 1 new drug I don't think adding lots of new drugs is necessary. Currently, we have 3 drugs with this setup:

1.low risk -- low reward
2.medium risk -- medium reward
3.high risk -- high reward

Maybe we could add something in between of second and third thing. Meth explodes wich makes it more risky, cops can raid you and you draw attention to raiders as soon as they hear explosions (who doesn't like a batch of meth for free). For meth it:
1.costs a lot to make per batch (batch=lots of wet meth)
3.needs 15 minutes to cook

I think it would be a good idea if we add something similar to meth wich has setup like this:
1.costs a lot to make (double or little less than double than meth)
2.does not explode but can make fire
3.needs 30 minutes to cook
4.Complicated making process

I think something like this should be added because you can only cook meth if you base with lots of people and like this if you get raided you loose a lot money because drug costs a lot to make but still it does not explode and therefore you make little less money than you do with meth. So +-Neutral
To be honest I feel that there is already enough drugs, adding more would be a bit excessive, and wouldn't add much to the realism, lmao seriously though there is already enough variety.

The realism joke sucks because @Murtsley made a realism joke prior, lizard.
While I do not necessarily agree with adding new drugs, I do would like to see the process of making current drugs be a bit more interesting/better interaction... by that i'm going to take "SantosRP" as an example:

While I never actually played on their Server, I do personally like the idea of having to go through different stages to get the finished product.
I mean it does not have to be exactly like SantosRP. However, being able to interact with the drugs more would make producing drugs more interesting then just sitting next to the drugs for 30 minutes doing nothing. Dunno... just my opinion on this.

This comes from someone who has not done any drugs since evo city/PL v1...
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